Chapter 64

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Elysia's POV:

Oh boy...

What's gotten into him again?

Did a business deal go south?

I've seen Ares like this a few times while working as his executive assistant in the past few months, but this time, he seems even angrier...

"Could it be because of our talk that day?" I mumbled, a thought crossing my mind.

But then I shook my head, telling myself, "No, he couldn't be that affected by our conversation... Or could he?"

I remembered Mrs. Richard mentioning his habits earlier, but back then, I pushed those thoughts away. After all, he's engaged, and dwelling on him felt wrong. I focused on everything else, and my mom was sick too...

It was easier to distract myself with worries about her health than to confront the confusing feelings I had about Ares. But now, with him so visibly angry, those thoughts resurfaced, and I couldn't ignore them anymore, especially now that we were married in a sense.

All sorts of thoughts were swirling in my head. Ares wasn't like this before. When did he develop such extreme anger issues?

People change over time, but these anger issues don't just come out of nowhere. There must be a trigger, right?

Lost in my thoughts about Ares, I didn't even notice Mr. Ronald approaching until he called out to me in a hushed voice, hurrying over.

"Mrs. Knight-" His eyes widened as he clicked his tongue and corrected himself, glancing around the quiet lobby to make sure no one else could hear. Ares' voice was still echoing throughout the floor in the background. "Sorry, I mean, Ms. Lawson. Thank goodness you're here," he said in a relieved tone, his tired face showing his relief.

For a moment, I was speechless at what he called me and couldn't respond immediately.

Of course, he would know about our marriage. He's Ares' personal assistant, after all...

"This office has been hell for the past five days," he stated, his voice heavy with stress. "Can you please calm Mr. Knight down? Everyone's been on rotating shifts because he won't take breaks and keeps overworking," he pleaded, sounding desperate.

Five days of this?

My jaw dropped as he confirmed that Ares had been pushing himself since our last conversation.

But how could I possibly calm him down when he's this furious?

I cleared my throat, trying to push aside my shock, and turned to Mr. Ronald. "Is he okay? What's going on with him?" I asked in a hushed tone.

Ronald shook his head, sighing heavily. "I don't know. He was fine a week ago, but now he's back to his old self, and nobody dares to say anything to him for fear of being fired on the spot. Even Mr. Lopez couldn't calm him down," he explained, glancing briefly back at the conference room. "You're our last hope, Mrs- Ms. Lawson. Please-" His plea was cut short as the elevator doors opened, and we both turned to see who was coming.

Several people entered the lobby, startled by Ares' booming voice echoing from the conference room.

I recognized them as the staff of jewelry design department from the South Tower of Knight Group Towers. They instantly spotted us at the corner of the lobby and approached us with quick, anxious steps, casting worried glances at the closed conference room.

After exchanging polite greetings, Mrs. Jane, the assistant manager of the design department, turned to Ronald. "Mr. Knight asked us to report once we've finished moving the department. We're ready to start working again. Could you let him know? He seemed really angry again," she said, her voice tinged with apprehension as she glanced back at the conference room.

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