Chapter 17

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The clock struck 12, and you placed yourself down as casually as possible into the swivel chair. Still warm, you thought in the looming silence. Mike must have came back to the office after he marched his way down the hallway, and continued on with his daily routine at work.

You'd had all evening - all sunset - to think about what you'd been shown light to. You took some of the newspapers, you scanned them, you tried to connect the dots, and yet you knew that inside, you understood already. It's like when they told you, every knot you ever thought needed tied... was. It's like somehow you always knew they were so much more than animatronics at a restaurant. The questions that rolled through your mind like film strips as you tried to fall asleep in the mornings when you got home from work, the sun peaking through your curtains as your tired and crusty eyes gave the ceiling the blankest glare, they all had an answer, and you'd got it. But of course, it wasn't over. No, it wasn't over. Because they never found the killer, right? That could be why they're still here. Every ghost stays on Earth because they have unfinished business - and the children are unable to move on because they haven't got their revenge. What fuels them at night, seeking out the adults when they slither out of daytime attitude and into their dangerous ways in the dark.

As you spun in a trance in your chair, still as comfy as the first night you got there, you shuddered at the one thought that had irked you the most - the death of Bonnie. Or, at that time, Jason. Who knew what pain he went through as he grew up inside his plastic walls? It made your heart wrench knowing that the one you were falling for had died once already. You'd fallen in love with a ghost. That's a little better than saying I fell for a robot, you mused to yourself inwardly.

"Knock knock." Bonnie had arrived in no more than four minutes, and sauntered into your office as per usual, plopping himself against the desk table with his usual perky grin - although, tonight, the grin was absent. He might have been a little on edge since they told you about... well, y'know. You had took yourself off afterward, went for a walk around the block, and kept yourself busy until you had to be back here. For some reason you had the idea they all needed to be alone after they told you. It's... a big thing.

"Hey, cutie." You let the sweetness in your voice light up the room. Approaching him, with a tug you had pulled him in by the waist and gave him a satisfying peck on the lips. It had instantly lifted his spirits, and immediately he gave you another kiss - a kiss that was a lot longer. Not deep enough, though.

"I... I'm so relieved that we can be normal with each other. I'm so glad I didn't wreck anything." He exhaled. "I-I was so worried..."

"Don't be." You caressed his cheek, and he gave you one of his adorable smiles. "Nothing has changed. Everything's okay."

"You're right. Everything's okay." He nuzzled your head in glee, and you couldn't help but laugh. Your love was certainly something different, but it was something that changed your life for the better. Even though your world revolving around the pizzeria itself was clouded with questions, it was always Bonnie who you dreamed of. Bonnie who made you smile even when you were stressed out over everything and anything.

Like other nights, he took you by the hand and began leading you down the left hallway to see the rest of the animatronics, who would be patiently waiting for you to show up.

"You're here so often now, [Y/N]." He said cheerily. "I hope you're eating okay, and getting to sleep alright. And staying in touch with your family and friends."

"Of course I am." You replied softly. The pitpat of your soles on the cold tiles echoed around you, and it fondly reminded you of back when you were terrified to walk between these walls. And now you wanted nothing more than that.

You were happy here.

"You guys are always so sweet! Ah, I could just - ah!" Chica had spotted you both before anyone else did, and had already shot up in excitement to see you. She must have noticed your fingers entwined with Bonnie's, and you blushed involuntarily as your eyes shot to the side. Bonnie gave a light-hearted chuckle, as he commonly did whenever Chica began to get flustered about you two.

You settled yourself down on the table that everyone usually sat at - a table not too far to the back of the pizzeria. "How come we always sit here, anyway?" You asked to nobody in particular.

"Oh, this was the table we used to come to when we were kids." Freddy gave the surface a light pat with his palm.

"Oh - oh! You guys all knew each other?" Your curiosity got the best of you, so you didn't even realize the touchy subject or the invasion of personal lives.

"Yep! Sure did!" Chica giggled, nudging Foxy. "And this lil' honey was always on my back, even when we were alive!"

"Oh, shut yer' mouth, ye yellowbelly."

You laughed in chorus with everyone. "It's so nice that we get to be more open about when we were alive with you, [Y/N]. We used to only do that amongst our own company." Bonnie took your hand once more, but above the table. "Thanks for taking it so well."

You looked into his eyes, and even though they had their robotic movements, they were as sincere as plastic eyes could be. "No problem." You whispered - your throat almost clotted with phlegm from gazing at him. Sometimes you didn't even realize your heart beat so quick. It hadn't caught a break since you got here!

"A-also, uh... I'd... I'd like to apologize for my behavior towards you up until now, [Y/N]..." Freddy sighed. "It's so hard to let my guard down. You understand how scary it is for me - for all of us. Right?" You nodded.

He continued on, "When I became Freddy, I became the leader. It's what I grew from, and it was my job. I looked after everybody, and that means I can't let what happened to us happen again. I can't let it go un-avenged."

You heard the guilt in his voice. As if he felt like he was at fault for something. Like he couldn't protect everyone before, even though he was just a little boy like the rest of them. Even Bonnie, you realized, was staring at him and baring a sad expression. He could hear it too. They were best friends, after all. Freddy might have disliked me at first, but he had always been there for Bonnie, even when you weren't, and Bonnie was very grateful to have someone like Freddy around. Freddy was a very, very caring person, loyal to his family and would even stand in the way of a bullet if it meant they could survive.

It was admirable, and was enough to wash away the hard feelings you held for him at first which boiled your blood from anger. He had a solid reason for disliking you, and it was to protect those he loved.

For what felt like ages, the lot of you laughed and teased, joked around and talked about normal every day things; and occasionally, like the couple you were, you exchanged glances with Bonnie a lot, and exchanged smiles along with them. You always loved it when he smiled. When he was happy, so were you.

Bang, bang, bang.

The conversation faded to a silence as every one of you heard the disturbing noise. Looking at each other, as equally confused as you were, the animatronic group slowly stood along with you.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.

It was coming from the hallway.


A/N; again, thank you to EVERYONE who has followed and liked and commented! i'm so glad you like the story.

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