Enemies to lovers - James Cook

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"oh fuck off Cook" i scoffed looking at the boy in the blue and white polo shirt who just rolled his eyes at my comment

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"oh fuck off Cook" i scoffed looking at the boy in the blue and white polo shirt who just rolled his eyes at my comment.

"what are you two arguing about now?" freddie laughed as he walked back into his shed.

JJ answered "Cook keeps throwing things at y/n and calling her names" making me smile at jj, he was such a sweetheart. I don't know why he hangs around with such a dickhead like Cook.

"fucking hell Cook leave her alone will ya" Fred said shaking his head. He had had enough of me and cook arguing all the time.

"not my fault your cousins a waste of space. I mean why do you even let her hangout with us?" cook said laughing. I never really got hurt by anything cook said but a waste of space? really? that felt like a knife being stabbed into my heart and twisted. I had always thought I was a waste of space and yeah maybe that was a little depressing but it was true. And Freddie knew that.

I stood up. "Y/n..he didn't mean it.." Fred said and I just ignored him and walked out of the shed slamming the door behind me. A tear rolled down my cheek, as I was walking out of freddie's backyard I bumped into effy.

She gave me a warm smile until she saw the tears rolling down my face. Her face straight away turned into confusion and worried. "Hey what's wrong? are you okay?" she asked concerned. Effy and I were quite close because she was dating my cousin freddie.

"Fucking cook." I mumbled and stopped walking, standing in front of her.

"what'd he say this time?" she asked an angry look forming on her face. You see I had been living with freddie since I was 13 years old, the reason for that was because my mum passed away when I was young and since then my dad always blamed it on me and would say horrible things like 'he wished I was never born' and that 'I was a waste of space' which is why when Cook said it, it hurt. Especially coming from him since I kinda had a little crush on him. I had a crush on him since we were kids.

"called me a waste of space" i said before walking past her and leaving. effy knew the whole story so I knew as soon as she had heard what cook had called me, she was going to freak out.

I walked down the street and whilst I was walking my phone was continuously going off. I continued walking down the road for about ten minutes before pulling my phone out of my pocket to see who was spamming me.

Cook: freddie told me to tell you that im sorry

Cook: it was only a joke damn

Cook: u coming back or what?

Cook: ur so sensitive it's pathetic😂😂

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