The show - Maxxie Oliver

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I was backstage of the play holding back Michelle's hair as she was throwing up in the toilet minutes before she was suppose to go on stage and perform

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I was backstage of the play holding back Michelle's hair as she was throwing up in the toilet minutes before she was suppose to go on stage and perform. I saw sketch stood in the corner crossing her arms so I looked over my shoulder and glared at her "what the fuck did you do to her?"

She rolled her eyes and said "why would you care? it's just some mild stuff I gave her." as she walked out of the bathroom.

I let go of Michelle's hair and ran after the girl. I grabbed her wrist and said "I know what you fucking did to Maxxie, the stalking. your a fucking freak!"

She eventually exploded back on me. "I know how you feel about him. The same as me. You love him too." She spoke angrily.

"That's not true. I'm nothing like you!" I replied looking away from her. "Liar! I see how you look at him, waiting around for him to walk you to class. well he's mine! you can't fucking have him." she shouted stepping closer to me. "you like him. but you won't admit it, why?" She said softly.

"He's my fucking bestfriend!" I yelled.

"Say it!" She snapped repeating it over and over again with the loud music and singing in the background. I broke.

"I love him! Alright? I've fallen for my best mate! and I can never admit it because I-I can't lose him." I screamed back at her tears flooding my eyes but not letting them spill. I looked away from her furious facial expressions to see Maxxie stood there with worry on his face. He had heard everything that I had just said.

A tear dropped down my face I quickly shoved Sketch out of the way and ran past Maxxie before he could get a word out. Maxxie stormed over the short crazy brunette girl "what the fuck did you say to her!?" he snapped angrily.

"Maxxie, do you believe in magic?" She asked with pleading eyes. "When we kiss- when we kiss on that stage.."

"I don't fucking like you! Do you understand that?" He yelled at her. "look at me! she doesn't care about you like I do.." she shouted back desperately. "you could love me! we could love eachother!"

He scoffed "your fucking mental!" He was furious by what she said to you. She grabbed his hand and placed it on her chest. "Can you feel how fast my heart is beating? It's because by the end of this play you would've kissed me maxxie..and when you kiss me everything will change. Maxxie, I love you!" He stared at her in disgust.

The sounds of planes crashing came along the speakers. "that's our cue" she whispered letting go of his hand and walked up the stairs. He didn't have a chance to run after you, he had to go to the stage.


I sat down at the front of the theatre next to my friends watching. "Once I was a lonely banker." I heard his voice sing sweetly. The lines went on and on. I couldn't stop thinking about what was going through his head. Did he hear me confess my love? They began looking into each others eyes and I knew it was all apart of the play but I couldn't bring myself to stop the tears.

"Now you know how I feel" they sung at the same time and I watched as she leaned in placing her hand on his chest and pushing her lips against his. His hands moved to the girls face as he cupped it and kissed her back. I felt a tear fall from my eye. I stood out and walked out needing some fresh air. I couldn't stay in there and watch that.

He broke the kiss and whispered in the girls ear "nothing. I felt nothing." his tone dark. "you disgust me."

He pulled away from her and she raised her hand and smacked him. "No! That's not how this goes!" She screamed at him. "

You think you can fuck up my life and I'll start fancying you? look at yourself, stay out of my life." He walked off stage leaving her a crying mess, the curtains closing and chris standing up clapping which confused everybody.

"What an amazing ending!" Chris yelled clapping.


I stood outside leant against the wall with a cigarette in my mouth and tears streaming down my face. I saw the blonde boy walk over to me him standing in front of me and reaching his hand up and taking the cigarette out of my mouth and holding it up to his lips as he took a drag and blew the smoke out.

He threw it onto the ground and reached his hand up to my face and wiped the tears away.

"Maxxie how was the-"

"Y/n im sorry, I didn't want you to get caught in the middle of this. im so sorry" he whispered leaning his forehead against mine closing his eyes.

"Maxxie..." i whispered.

Before I could say anything he pressed his soft lips against mine, his hand caressing my cheek. I placed my hand on his arm and kissed him back.

When he pulled back he looked down at me with a smile on his face. "I love you y/n, I always have" he smiled. "I love you too maxxie" I smiled back at him.

He pushed my hair behind my ear still looking down at me. Whilst the two of us were still looking at eachother, the door swung opened. Anwar, tony, sid and chris stood there in shock before chris threw his arms up in victory "finally!"

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