Confessing - Nick Levan

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I had a little crush on Nick ever since we had met which was about four or five years ago

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I had a little crush on Nick ever since we had met which was about four or five years ago. I had never really made a move on him because I wasn't really looking to be rejected. A couple of days ago I had tried kissing him and confessed my love for him while I was high as shit and ever since I had been avoiding him.

I stood outside his front door waiting for him to let me inside. He had called me earlier asking for me to come over so I just agreed. I wasn't sure why he called me over. I rung the doorbell and it opened a few minutes after, the door swung open revealing Matty. Nick's brother.

He smiled at me and said "your here to see nick"
and I just nodded my head. He stepped aside and let me inside before closing the door behind me. I turned around and looked at matty "you know why he wants to talk to you right?"

"I think so" i replied nervously. I think I knew what this was all about but I wasn't a hundred percent sure.

"he's in his room" matty said before walking away further into the house.

I looked at the stairs and let out a sigh before beginning to walk up them. I already knew where his room was. I opened his bedroom door to see him sat on the edge of his bed, he looked over at me as soon as he heard the door open.

"Y/n uh come sit down" he said standing up.

I walked over and sat down on his bed. "So what did you need to talk about?"

"so uh do you remember a few days ago? at the club?" he muttered. everything that I said that night flooded back to my head. I had really embarrassed myself haven't I. The main thing that had stuck in my mind was me trying to kiss him and him pushing me away.

"Oh right.." i mumbled awkwardly. Yeah I liked him but that night was nothing like me. I wasn't even thinking. God im such an idiot.

"Did you mean it?" he questioned looking over at me. he sounded confused more than anything. do you think he liked me back?

"uh..yeah I think so" i admitted. I looked up into his dark brown eyes. I stood up so we were on the same kind of level, he was still a little taller than me though.

"Good" he smiled leaning down to my height and placing his lips against mine. my arms moved around his neck pulling him closer and deepening the kiss.

"hey nick do you-" matty walked into the bedroom with frankie by his side. "shit sorry we'll give you two a minute" frankie quickly said closing the door as me and nick both let out a laugh.

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