Coming out - Naomi Campbell

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I was laid in bed when my sister naomi walked into my bedroom

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I was laid in bed when my sister naomi walked into my bedroom. I raised an eyebrow seeing the nervous look on her face. "are you okay?" I asked as I sat up genuinely concerned. I don't think I ever see her nervous really so I didn't have a clue what was going on.

"Can I sit?" she asked and I nodded my head moving my feet over so she could sit down which she did.

She looked down at her lap and whispered "I need to tell you something..."

"okay what's up?" i asked confused. what did she need to tell me that made her this anxious? oh god she wasn't pregnant was she? or maybe she had killed somebody?

"promise me you won't tell anybody." she practically begged looking over at me tears forming her eyes.

"I promise, you know you can tell me anything" i said reassuring her.

" gay.." she whispered the tears began to stream down her face. this was really what she needed to tell me? i had already known.

I let out a little laugh which confused her. "I know" I said back crawling over to her and pulling her into my arms giving her a hug.

She hugged me tightly and I heard her still crying "how'd you know?" still sobbing.

"I've seen the way you look at emily.." i said before breaking the hug and wiping the tears away from her eyes. "im so proud of you for finally telling me, and it's okay" i smiled which she returned.

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