Chapter 29

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"I can't believe I'm already in the top four right now." Jiyoon stared at the big screen displaying her name along with her competitor. "Semi finale."

"Today is your last day." Eunji yawned as it was still an early morning. "Your final will be in the evening."

"Do you think dad will come?" Jiyoon looked down at her lap as she was stretching. Eunji went silent at her question because she hadn't talked or seen Seung-cheol properly ever since that argument, which happened a few days ago.

"He will." Eunji had no choice but to say something that she believed wouldn't happen.

"The match is starting." Jiyoon got up when it was her name's announced.

"Best of luck." Eunji patted Jiyoon's back while handing her the racket. Jiyoon nodded and took a deep breath before walking into the court.


"Director Choi!" The staff gasped when Seung-cheol bumped into him and they fell because he was rushing and didn't look ahead.

"I'm sorry." Seung-cheol quickly apologized.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry." The staff member rushed to help him stand up. Seung-cheol didn't say anything and just walked to the door in a hurry.

"You think he needs to go to the washroom?" Another staff member came beside him.

"Yo, what?" He looked at her with a confused face. "He can use the office washroom you know."

She looked at him and shrugged, "Nothing beats your house's washroom."

"Ugh!!" Seung-cheol slammed his hand on the steering wheel when he got stuck in a traffic jam.

"Now, presenting the finale of the Apex Shuttle Spectacle tournament. Jung Yonghwa versus Choi Jiyoon." The announcement echoed through the whole stadium.

Jiyoon looked at the entrance door as she walked towards the court. She then looked at Eunji, who signaled to breathe normally. Jiyoon nodded and went for the toss.

The car's break screeched through the road and Seung-cheol got out of it before slamming the door closed to rush inside the sports complex.

"Are you done with knocking?" The referee looked at both the girls, who nodded. "Here." He threw a feather shuttle at Jiyoon since she had won and decided to serve.

Suddenly, there was a big thud sound. Everyone stopped and looked at the sound. Seung-cheol was leaning against a wall while holding his knee.

Moving back in time, Seung-cheol was running inside but didn't see the table for refreshments and accidentally bumped his knee there.

"I-I'm sorry-" Seung-cheol winced as he limped towards Eunji. "Has the match started?" A smile crept on Jiyoon's face when she spotted him there.

"W-We were about to begin." The referee nodded and looked down at his clipboard. "The last match between Jung Yonghwa versus Choi Jiyoon will now begin."

Jiyoon nodded and got in position.

"Love all."

Jiyoon lifted the racket into position.


With the whistle, Jiyoon hit the shuttlecock.


"End of the game. Choi Jiyoon won the match by winning the first two sets." The referee announced the score.

Eunji and Seung-cheol screamed while jumping. They were so excited that Seung-cheol hugged her, which she didn't even realise, and hugged him back.

"She won! She won!" They chanted while jumping. But the realization hit the two adults within a few seconds and they pushed each other away.

Eunji cleared her throat while Seung-cheol coughed. They looked away from each other as if nothing had happened.

But Seung-cheol's neck was red while Eunji's ears were red.

Jiyoon shook her hands with her opponent before she rushed towards her people with open arms.

Seung-cheol thought she was going to hug him and extended his arms a little but threw her body on Eunji, hugging her tightly with a big smile on her face. He hesitated and put his arms down.

"I can't believe I won, Miss Eunji!!" Jiyoon yelled in happiness while burying her face in Eunji's neck. "It feels like I'm dreaming!"

"Oh- Didn't I say you will win?" Eunji hugged her back. Seung-cheol stared at the two girls hugging before he scoffed with a small smile.

'Well, she was there with her and helped her. It's understandable that she wanted to hug her, not me', He thought and crossed his arms.

"It's all because of you!" Jiyoon pulled away and smiled at Eunji. "I feel like I'm flying in the sky!"

"Come down to earth then." Eunji gently pinched her arm and moved away to pack their things. "Give it to me. You go and receive your award." She took away her racket and crouched down to pack the kit.


"Dad, please send me the picture. I want to send it to my grandpa." Jiyoon said while staring at her trophy.

"Will surely do." Seung-cheol nodded with a smile.

"Congratulations, Miss Jiyoon." Dino bowed to her and Jiyoon nodded.

"My car is there." Seung-cheol pointed in the opposite direction. "Let's go and eat outside to celebrate your win."

"Okay!!" Jiyoon nodded and they started to walk. Eunji put the kit in the trunk and closed it. She opened the door to sit inside but was stopped.

"Miss Moon!" Seung-cheol shouted her name and she looked at him. "What are you doing?"

"Going home?" Eunji's answer sounded like a question. Dino was also about to sit in the driver's seat but stopped.

"Why? Come with us." Seung-cheol lifted his car keys. "To dinner."

"Why me?" Eunji pointed at her face.

"Oh God." Seung-cheol rolled his eyes. "Are you dumb or what? You are also a part of this achievement."

"Yes, Miss Eunji. Come on!" Jiyoon ran to her and grabbed Eunji's hand. "You are the reason I won a tournament after this long."

"Wait-" Eunji was pulled by Jiyoon suddenly without even letting her finish her line.

Dino smiled while watching them getting along. He shook his head and opened the door again, sitting inside. He turned around and looked at the two dogs sitting there.

"I guess being a dog babysitter wasn't a bad job after all I don't get bored like I used to."


"Oh my- How can you do this, Choi Seung-cheol?"

"Don't blame me. My parents- her grandparents especially her grandfather will kill me if I take her there!"

"Then let's take her there."


Poor Seung-cheol :(

Poor Seung-cheol :(

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