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“Darn.” Gabriel muttered. “We don't have enough batter for pancakes.” Gabriel had insisted on making the kids some pancakes for breakfast but while he and Eden were making the batter, they realized that there wouldn't be enough in order for everyone to have a stack of pancakes. 

“Well, Agnes said we can get the bacon and eggs from the pantry.” Eden reminded Gabriel as she poured some milk in a bowl for Madame. “I can fry some bacon and scramble some eggs.”

Gabriel frowned. “But I want the kids to have pancakes.” Eden dipped a finger in the batter for a taste. “Especially Seamus…..I've never seen a boy his age so thin….”

“Oh!” Eden’s exclamation made Gabriel jump. “Here, let me try something…..” Eden took the mixing bowl from him and poured a tiny bit of creamy white batter into the hot skillet waiting on the stove. “If we just pour a little at a time..…” Eden stuck her tongue out in concentration until the smell of frying dough filled the air.

“If we just pour a little bit of batter every time, we can have hot cakes instead of pancakes. They're smaller and we can have more than enough leftover batter for seconds!”

Gabriel smiled. “Why didn't I think of that!?” Hot cakes would be the perfect substitute. “But still no syrup…”

Eden replied as she poured a couple more dollops of batter. “Agnes has a whole bunch of fruit preserves in the pantry. Those are perfect if you don't have syrup.” 

Gabriel had gotten very frustrated when he snapped his fingers, attempting to miracle a bottle of syrup but he was unsuccessful. He had forgotten about Furfur's miracle blocker. 

“What would I do without you Edie?” Gabriel wrapped his arms around his wife's soft waist and buried his face in her red curls. 

“Oh you'd be just fine silly billy.” Eden replied as she flipped the hotcakes over with a fork. “Now, go get the preserves. I saw strawberry and blackberry. Fetch both of those please my beloved.”

“I'll do it!” Mara declared as she entered the kitchen. “I know where they are and I can reach them!” Seamus appeared a moment later. “Eden! Gabriel!” Seamus rushed forward to give Eden and Gabriel a hug. 

“Good morning my dears!” Aziraphale greeted the couple. His heart warmed at the sight of Eden and Gabriel with the children. “Did you sleep well?” He had overheard the couple's conversation earlier in the morning. He had pretended to be asleep during the whole duration of said conversation until he eventually drifted back to slumber. He understood where Gabriel was coming from although he had every intention to keep his Little One safe. 

“Yes Papa!” Eden ran to give her Papa a hug. “Breakfast will be ready soon!” 

“Good.” Crowley grunted as he also entered the kitchen. The demon rubbed his back. “The great Piggyback and Horsey Ride King is starving.” 

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