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“Shhhhh!” Crowley whispered as the group watched Furfur approach the cornfield. “Get back!” 

“What's he saying?” Eden tried to peek through the cornstalks so she could get a look at Furfur but Gabriel pushed himself in front of her protectively. “Stay behind me Edie.” 

Eden rolled her eyes in exasperation as she heard the loud cursing of Furfur and she couldn’t help but feel victorious. Her stomach suddenly rumbled as her gaze became fixed on an ear of corn. 

Eden plucked the ear from the stalk and tore the peel away revealing a golden cob. She bit into it and began to eat ravenously. She was feeling like her old self now that the pain in her head was fading. Eating would help calm her down until the others decided it was safe to move on.

Eden had only taken a few bites however when she realized that something, or rather, someone was watching her and before she could do anything, the mysterious figure stepped forward and clamped its gnarled hand over her mouth before she could make a sound. 

“Oh I'll find you and your precious Abomination, Archangel Gabriel!” Furfur growled in fury. “And when I do, you're going to regret making a fool of me! Just because Crowley and Aziraphale succeeded in doing so doesn't mean you will! I'll make sure of that!” Furfur finally gave up and made his way back towards the direction of the TARDIS.

“Right.” Crowley whispered, trying to take charge, “Let's go now before it gets dark. Who knows what comes out here at night.” Crowley expected Gabriel to protest but the Archangel simply turned away from him to check on Eden.

A sharp gasp from Gabriel made Crowley and Aziraphale whirl around in surprise.

“Eden!” Aziraphale exclaimed as Crowley swore, “Shit!”

A tall lanky scarecrow with a pumpkin head and long wooden limbs had Eden in his clutches. It had a massive hand pressed over Eden’s mouth. Eden stared at the others with wide eyes as Gabriel took a step forward, ignoring Aziraphale who tried to hold him back. 

“Let her go!” Gabriel was about to attack the creature head on but to everyone's surprise, it immediately released Eden. 

“Are you okay?” Gabriel demanded as he rushed to his wife. “Did it hurt you?” 

Eden shook her head. “No no, I'm fine. I don't think he means any harm.” Eden turned to the scarecrow. “I think he was trying to make sure I stayed quiet.”

The scarecrow bent down and picked up the ear of corn she had been eating and handed it back to her. “Thank you.” Eden inspected the stranger closely. His head was made from a jack O'Lantern and a single candle inside his massive pumpkin head lit up the inside. It gave the scarecrow's eyes a warm orange glow to them. His hands and fingers were made of wood, and were surprisingly lifelike. He was even wearing clothes. A tattered white shirt with a green coat over it. Several brass buttons were missing and he even had on a pair of matching pants and a pair of leather boots.

In reply the scarecrow put a wooden finger to his jagged mouth and beckoned the group forward as he turned back to walk among the stalks of corn.

“I think he wants us to follow him!” Eden said as she dashed forward, eager to follow her new guide. 

“Come on,  let's go!” Eden glanced back at the others. “I think he wants us to follow him!” 

“Eden wait!” Gabriel was about to dash after her when Aziraphale said, “I don't sense any danger. I think he's trying to help us.” Gabriel didn't reply as he charged after Eden and all that Aziraphale and Crowley could do was follow. The sun was setting so it was best that they didn't waste anymore time. 

Furfur made his way back to the TARDIS cursing at himself. “I should have discorporated the lot of them when I had the chance!”

Furfur yanked open one of the doors only to find a wooden wall. “What?” Everything was gone. The console, the spacious room. It was as if the inside never existed.

“I’m going to kill that girl and her husband! And those two idiots!” Furfur slammed the door shut and turned to go after his prisoners but froze when he came face to face with the barrel of a shotgun.

Good Omens: Our New Beginning 2 (Bad Omens Book 11/Series Finale)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant