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“I thought we were going to open the presents after we ate.” Eden murmured as she and Gabriel waltzed in the family room. Gabriel had performed another quick miracle and turned the cozy room into a miniature ball room with a jukebox.  The pair danced to a cover of Elvis Presley’s “Can’t Help Falling In Love With You” by Rick Astley until they lost count of how many times the song played on loop. 

“I changed my mind.” Gabriel rumbled in reply. “I like dancing with you. We don’t do it very often….”

“Because I’m not much of a dancer….and I know you like it because you just want to hold me.”

“True. And I think you’re a great dancer.”

“Oh stop it you big sap.” Eden blushed. “My romantic sap.” Gabriel spun her around one more time and still holding her hand, led her back to the table. “Come now, I want to give you your present.”

The two sat back down and Gabriel handed Eden a white envelope. “Careful. The gift is very small.” Eden opened it, glancing at Gabriel questioningly and looked inside. In the envelope was a tiny oddly shaped picture. “The hell?” With two fingers, Eden picked up the photo and gasped with delight. “It’s a teeny tiny picture of you and the kids!”

Gabriel beamed. “It’s for your apple.” He pointed to the pendant around her neck. “We took the photo shortly after Bentley’s fourth birthday.”

“We?” Eden repeated. 

Gabriel clarified, “Aziraphale took the photo and Crowley….well….”

“Wasn’t much help.” Eden concurred with a laugh. “That explains why your hair is messed up and why the kids got their nice formal attire all messed up.” The girl’s dresses and the boy’s suits were either wrinkled or smeared with dirt. Except for the youngest, Bentley, who stood in the center of the group dressed in his best little black suit with his pale golden curls glistening in the sunlight with a smile across his chubby cheeks.

“I knew it was a bad idea to take the picture in front of the garden.” Gabriel muttered. 

Eden pecked his cheek. “You all look amazing. It’s a beautiful photo. You all look beautiful.” 

“I’m glad you like it.” Gabriel instinctively reached out and took the photo from Eden and placed it in the empty cavity of the apple locket. 

“Now you have a picture of us along with your parents. I think it’s appropriate now that our family feels complete.” It felt like that ever since Bentley was born.

“Agreed.” Eden smiled as she gazed at the now complete locket. “You planned this with Papa didn’t you?” It made sense now why her Papa recommended that she wear her locket.

Gabriel grinned. “I plead the Fifth!” 

Eden giggled and grabbed her parcel, “Fine you cheek! Here’s your present! I hope you like it.” 

Eden handed her husband a rectangular shaped parcel wrapped in a purple ribbon. Gabriel unwrapped the parcel with the enthusiasm of his children and the torn away paper revealed a thick leather bound book. It was a beautifully handcrafted photo album with a dark brown cover with the family name engraved on the front and back with gold letters.

“A photo album?” 

Eden nodded. “Open it. Choose a random page.”

Gabriel did as she said and he nearly dropped the album when an image floated above the page. 

An image was floating just above the page with a light blue border and it was moving. 

“It’s when…..” Gabriel felt a lump in his throat as the image played out before him.

“It’s when we found out I was expecting the triplets. When you stayed up with me all night to make sure I was okay, I don’t think you slept at all that night.”

“I didn’t.” Gabriel rasped. “I literally knew nothing about pregnancy and what I did know was…..outdated….. and I realized that I had no idea what to do and that I'm no good in those situations.” 

Eden hugged him. “You did great.” 

Gabriel turned a couple of pages and viewed a couple of more moving images. “Are these your memories?”

Eden nodded. “Yeah. Memories of us and the kids during these past seventeen years. There’s plenty of blank spaces for new memories too. But this one has my favorite memories.”

Gabriel pulled Eden into a kiss. “It’s perfect.” 

Gabriel flipped through a few more pages and he and Eden watched a few memories play out.

“Some are missing Eden.” Gabriel stated.

“What do you mean?” Gabriel squeezed her hand. “There's no memories of our first year together. When you were recovering from your wounds after the War……didn't you have any good memories of us whenever I came to visit you?”

Eden blinked. “Oh.” Then she looked away. “I didn't want to risk upsetting you. I know how hard that was for you. Papa and Daddy told me how you spent most of the time waiting out in the hallway worrying about me and waiting for a chance to see me.” 

“I wasn't the one injured and in constant pain.” Gabriel reminded her.  “Of course I was worried. But despite my worry I knew that you were going to be okay and that we would get through it. Together. I wasn't going to leave you again.” 

“Oh Gabe…” 

“And watching you fight to get better helped give me courage. Because believe me you gave us a few scares.”

Eden blushed. “Well, in my defense, I was getting fed up with being in bed all the time!” 

Gabriel smiled. “That’s one of the many reasons why I love you.” He waved his hand and a new memory appeared, this one with a purple border. “You’re a fighter.” 

The two watched the new memory unfold. Eden grimaced as she remembered the pain that thrummed through her body but immediately relaxed as she watched her husband kneel at her bedside and touch his forehead to hers. Eden recalled that her fever had finally broken and when the Archangel received the good news he couldn't get in the room fast enough. 

“I love you Edie.” Gabriel murmured as he wrapped his arms around her tightly. 

“I love you too my beloved angel.” Eden replied as she snuggled against his warm broad chest. 

Good Omens: Our New Beginning 2 (Bad Omens Book 11/Series Finale)Where stories live. Discover now