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“Come in come in!” Agnes had ushered the group inside before Crowley or Gabriel could protest. “Now, you two go on and help yourself to dinner while I see to the poor girl.” 

“Wait a minute…..” Gabriel said as Agnes led Eden and Aziraphale towards the back of the cabin. “Eden-”

“Jack, please help our guests to the table.” Agnes called out and as Gabriel tried to follow their host, only to be blocked by Jack.

“Gabriel, listen to the scarecrow and sit down.” Crowley said as he reluctantly sat at the table. “Might as well get comfortable.”

“Oh you poor dears!” Agnes gushed. “Here Aziraphale, you sit here in my rocking chair while I see to your daughter.” Agnes was definitely expecting them as the den looked like some sort of infirmary. 

“Here's a washcloth dear.” Agnes handed Eden a piece of cloth. “The washroom is just down the hall. Wash your face off and I'll pour you a cup of herbal tea for your head.” She turned to Aziraphale next. “Now as for you, hold still. I already have dressings prepared for your head.” Agnes had examined the bump on Eden’s head. It was rather large and the skin was bruised but the skin wasn't broken.

As Agnes bandaged the gash in the angel’s forehead Aziraphale said, “I assume you know who we are, Miss Nutter.”

Agnes smiled. “As you know who I am, it's a pleasure by the way. Although I do wish that we could be meeting under better circumstances.” 

“As do I.” Aziraphale replied with a flinch as Agnes pressed a strong scented cloth against his cut.

“Sorry love. It's medicine and the sting means that it's working.” 

“Ah, much better.” Eden said as she disposed of the blood soaked cloth. She found a waste bin right by the dry sink and tossed the cloth inside. “Now for some supper. That cob didn't even fill me up….” As Eden made her way down the hallway she froze at the sound of whispering. 

“Mara, I'm really hungry.” 

“I know Seamus but Agnes said she'll come fetch us once our guests get settled.” a meow cut her off. “Madame wants to eat now.”

Eden tiptoed to the room where the voices were coming from. The door was shut so she knocked gently. “You can come out now if you like. I just finished washing up and I would really like to meet you and your kitty cat.” 

“Aziraphale!” Crowley exclaimed as Aziraphale finally returned. Crowley left from his seat and rushed to his husband. “Are you okay?” Aziraphale had a bandage wrapped around his forehead.

“I'm fine dear boy, it's just a scratch.” Aziraphale reassured as Crowley helped him to his seat. “It doesn't even hurt anymore.” 

“Where's Eden?” Gabriel demanded as Agnes returned with Aziraphale. “What have you done to her?”

“She's washing up Archangel Gabriel. I'll fetch her once I've brewed her tea. She should be done by then.” 

“I'm actually done now!” Eden said as she entered the dining room with two small children and a cat in tow. “Can we eat now?”

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