Three Months Later

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"Alisha and Ananya get up you both will be late for your flight... GET UP FAST!!!"

You guys would probably think that what is happening so...I tell you what is happening.

After our school is over. we all, means me, Ananya and Lucas decided to give a visit to our hometown...

So me and Ananya came to India until our school reopened and Lucas went to South Korea...

And now  Ananya was sleeping peacefully till when our room's door got slammed and we both came to a halt from our sleep... and saw our mom was shouting at us so that we could get ready for our flight.

Yes, you guys are thinking correctly...After that incident or you can say after rejecting that boy we never talk to each other...

~Time skip~

We are at the airport and saying bye to our parents and taking wishes for the future from them...

Now we are sitting in the plane and relaxing while listening to music...

Then after some time, I got a notification from Lucas on I messaged him..


Lucas:- Hello Alisha...

Me:-Hey bro what's up??

Lucas:-Nice ...What about??

Me: The same goes for me too...but Why did you message me rather than Ananya?

Lucas:- Because she is not answering my calls and not replying to my messages.

Me:- ohh That's the reason. Let me check what happens to her...


When I turn around to see What exactly Ananya doing. Then I found her sleeping and her phone was on silent.

Me:-Bro she is sleeping. Should I wake her up???

Lucas:-No no!!no need to wake her up..but let her know that I called her...


Lucas:-Btw when is your flight gonna land??

Me:- Most probably around five to six hours(flight from Amritsar, Punjab, India)

Lucas:-hmmm.I'll be there to pick you guys up.

Me:- Ok...Let me also sleep...

Lucas:-Sleep well. Bye..



Lots of things happen in these three months. Like:-
1. I went to spend my holiday in the Philippines Manila
2. I got a boyfriend from there.
3. I met my boyfriend's best friends and one of them turned out to be a boy who got rejected by Alisha.

That Guy is very kind-hearted and very handsome. I have never seen a guy with such perfection. A perfect jawline, high nose bridge, a mole under his lips....etc.

Everything was so perfect. Just Fantabulous.

We both talked in person. I get to know about his nature, behaviour, and many more.

He introduced himself as, Alex Gonzal..he is a perfect boy for Alisha..he asked me to give Alisha's Insta ID because he told me that he truly loves Alisha...but being a true friend of Alisha I refused him to give him the ID...

And Today I'm so excited because Alisha and Ananya are coming from India after three months. And I'm so happy to meet them both.

Yesterday I met Lucas because he arrived yesterday evening...


It's been two months...I haven't talked to Alisha.

You would probably wonder how I got to know about her name. So listen to me carefully.

I didn't sit free in these two months. I have been stalking Alisha since that day when she rejected me.

I found all sorts of information about her. When she sleeps, when she wakes up, when she goes to her school, when she comes back, etc..Even I hacked her phone but never saw her gallery or personal things...

Then one date Ryan came to us and took us somewhere... then we all asked where he was taking us all then he happily replied Meet someone..

We three were curious to know who would it be..but when we all reached our destination he introduced us to his new girlfriend. We all were delighted to meet each other...

Something is very off. Why do I feel like I have seen her somewhere? But when she introduced herself as Olivia Pummell.

Then I got to know that she is Alisha's best friend. So I talked to her about something so that we could get comfortable.

When we got comfortable with each other. I decided to ask her to give Alisha's Instagram ID..but she refused to give it.IDK why??

But...It's okay I can find myself only..( smirk).

To be continued...
Thanks for reading..😊

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Love Ya 🖤

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⏰ Last updated: May 29 ⏰

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