Move on

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"ELENA I FUCKING LOVE YOU... WHY CAN'T YOU JUST UNDERSTAND!!"Today is Valentine's Day and I planned to surprise Elena with a date and a beautiful we have completed our 1st anniversary of being in a relationship...

And I was very much excited to surprise her but suddenly my day changed into a horrible tragedy

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And I was very much excited to surprise her but suddenly my day changed into a horrible tragedy...As She entered the restaurant and came towards me the next words said made my heart ache "Actually Alex I came here to tell you that I was cheating on you with my boyfriend Jackson... We planned to steal your money and use you...Now he wants me to Break up with you know" I was very shocked when she said those words and then she continued "I just came here to break up with you and Yeah please forgive me for this"...

This made me angry that she and her boyfriend were using me for my money so then I shouted at her "ELENA I FUCKING LOVE YOU.... WHY CAN'T YOU JUST UNDERSTAND!!" which made her shocked as I never spoke with her like that then she replied"Alex Just Keep your voice down" "HOW CAN I KEEP MY VOICE LOW .....YOU JUST FUCKING CHEATED ON ME" when She was going to say something then Her Boyfriend came towards me and put on my face "DON'T DARE TO SPEAK LOUD WITH MY GIRL ....YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND" before I could speak further they left, all my plan got destroyed, all my hopes to be her boyfriend in future also got destroyed....

~Time skip at club~

I was sitting at the bar counter and asked the Bartender to give me the strongest drink... After four to five glasses of that drink, I got drunk and left the club...

"EleNa YoU diD VeRy BaD with mE ...I WiLl NeVeR foRgAvE YoU".... I was drunk and roaming on the streets and Suddenly I saw a light coming from my front side and then what I saw, It was a Truck...

When that truck was coming towards me I blackout...


Then my thoughts got interrupted by my friends.RYAN, SAMPLE and IAN...

"Bro what are you doing here????"Sample asked...


I, Sample and Ian searched the whole freaking school but there was no hint of Alex... that's where he went...Three of us were worried about him...Then Ian said, "What if he is on the rooftop??" Ian was correct we didn't check there "Let's go then and find him, "Sample said and we three started running towards the rooftop...

When we reached there, We saw Alex was busy in his thoughts and doing Vape .... Then I called Him " Bro what are you doing here???" Then he got interrupted from his thoughts and said "Nothing just——" I interrupted him "Please Alex stop thinking about that day's in past and Now just focus on your future ... You got it???" We all know what happened to him in the past. Due to that, we all are very concerned about him and his health...After that incident, he got addicted to Smoking and always smoked in his free time... We three always stop him from smoking but he never listens to us and is just lost in his thoughts. Thinking about his best memories...

Then I got interrupted by my thoughts when Ian said "Alex we all are very concerned about your health and the past but please don't harm your body by smoking 🚬"


When Ian said those I felt very bad that my friends were worried about me and my health... Here I am just stuck in my past... then I spoke "But how?? How can I forget that incident that broke my heart into a million pieces and I Now I fucking don't trust anyone"I was very sad ...then Sample spoke, " Bro you have to MOVE ON... from your past and you have to work on your danm future...." "But How? I can move on??" " Just find another girl..." Ian said, "It's not that easy Ian ... To find a perfect girl..."Ryan said "He is true what if that girl also does that same thing," I said "But not every girl is like that Alex" Sample Said...we all hummed"So I have an idea..." Ian said, "What is the idea??" I asked...


" Just find your date on a dating app..." I said. "Not a bad idea btw!!!" Sample said.... I want him to move on from that Elena who just broke his heart and went away from him with his boyfriend Jackson...

I felt very angry when he told us about that incident...From that day we all were very concerned about him....Due to that, he got an addiction to smoking ..... "So Alex what now would you like to give a second chance and move on.." I got interrupted when Ryan said...


"So Alex what now would you like to give a second chance and move on.."After thinking I just agreed to give my relationship a second chance but with a new girl "Ya would like to but at the same time I am scared to be in a relationship" I said " But it's been FREAKING TWO YEARS Alex just try for a god's sake.... and For how many years you will let your self suffer..."Ryan said "OK I understand what you are trying to say" "Finally you agreed...Now come downstairs it's our games period" Ian said "Yaaaa~ But promise you will treat us after that" Sample said while whining ... we all laughed at his behaviour. "You and Your food... Now come downstairs" Ryan said and we all followed him.

When we reached the ground we all decided to play basketball 🏀...

When we reached the ground we all decided to play basketball 🏀

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~Time skip~

After school. We four went to the restaurant and Ya I treated Sample to his favourite food which I promised him... "Now Alex download the app..." Ian said "Which app are you Talking about Ian??" I asked in confusion... "Yaa You forget find your date on the dating app" he said "Ohhh... Sorry, I forgot everything after playing basketball. You guys know that..." I laughed very awkwardly " So download the app now ..." "OK ok wait".

Then I opened my App Store on my phone searched for dating apps and selected any random app ... when the app got downloaded I filled up my information...

"Done," I said to them and they were very happy...

After the treat, we all left our ways back to the home... When I got back home I directly went to my room as I knew No one would be at home because Mom and Dad were busy with their work...

So when I opened my room's door, I directly went to the bathroom to take a bath....After that, I jumped on my bed and went to my dreamland.....

Guys Thanks for reading... Please read my Book A HEART's Enchantment...

Btw guys IDK why but I feel very scared right now... Ya if Alex reads this then please forgive me because I don't know the whole past story about you If there is any mistake please forgive me...

Please 🙏

Love You 🖤

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