booze n' loving

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all credits to @/aemrsy on tumblr!!

a/n: can we pls appreciate the fact that the picture in the middle is jake and johnnie's actual kitchen because it's the inspiration behind the entire fic 😭

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a/n: can we pls appreciate the fact that the picture in the middle is jake and johnnie's actual kitchen because it's the inspiration behind the entire fic 😭

tw: drinking, being drunk


the floor of your room was a mess due to the tornado that had happened in your closet whenever you were picking out your outfit.

you were sitting amongst the mess of clothes on the floor doing your makeup in the mirror you truly believed that if your not doing your makeup on the floor you're not doing it right.

you had paramore playing in the background but the music was disrupted by a ding you looked down at your phone, it was tara.

hey love, i'm on my way to urs x


drive safe x


you put your phone down in your lap finishing up your makeup. you and tara had a party to go to tonight at jake and johnnie's, this would be the first party you've gone to in a minute so you were a little nervous but the fact that it was at your boyfriend's house made you feel a lot more comfortable.

you knew you'd probably end up spending the night there so you packed up all your little essentials in a small bag.

you got up off the floor taking one good look at yourself before smiling and tucking a hair behind your hair.

you got a call from tara indicating that she had arrived so you hurried to the front door.

her blindingly pink car was indeed there she smiled as she motioned for you to come and get in.

you got in the car before giving tara one of those awkward car hugs. her hair smelled like her signature perfume and she was wearing the glasses she had stolen from you last time she came over.

"tar, you smell amazing"

she giggled her laugh was always so contagious

"babe you look amazing..tonight is gonna be so great i can't wait"

you nodded in excitement. tara's phone was connected to the car's bluetooth but she wasn't playing anything it was quiet but it was a comfortable slince that's until it was disrupted by tara's phone ringing on the car's speaker.

"dude did you pick up y/n yet?"

it was jake you could hear the chattering and loud music in the background

"yeah we're on our way we'll be there in about 5 minutes?"

she said in a question-esque tone

"mkay drive safe"

he hung up and the rest of the car ride was nice and quiet

you made it there and tara ran in immediately this was her scene she's definitely a party girl at heart.

you on the other hand walked in and scanned the room searching for johnnie, the kitchen counter was cluttered with drinks and you saw a few familiar faces before seeing your boyfriend leaning against the edge of the counter your face lit up as you approached him.

he grabbed you by the waist and you gave him a soft peck on the lips

"hey baby"

he said looking at you sweetly

"hey handsome"

you giggled as he peppered your neck in kisses still holding onto your waist. he smelled like cologne and jack daniels.

"i need a drink"

you said before turning around to face the counter fixing yourself a jack and coke.

one turned into two and three and now it had been four you were wasted out of your mind but it was a fun kind of wasted you felt so loose and comfortable just free.

you were by the pool table dancing with tara she also wasted out of her mind you guys were laughing at absolutely everything and everyone. a couple hours had passed since you guys had arrived it was definitely somwhere in the am's right now.

your horrible dancing and obnoxious giggling was interrupted by your boyfriend pulling your fifth drink out of your hands.

"okay.. i think that's enough sweetheart"

he said chuckling, you looked up at him and gave him a big goofy smile


you said as you practically fell into his arms he held you up gently tucking stray hairs, out of your face.

you noticed jake walk outside probably for a smoke you weren't a smoker but let's be real drunk cigarettes don't count and a smoke sounds really good right about now.

you stumbled out of johnnie's arms after excusing yourself and made your way over to jake in the balcony. johnnie sighed following you to the balcony leaving tara to mingle with everyone else.

"hey jakee"

you said slurring your words and stretching your e's

"woah nelly, someone's out of it"

he said in his southern-esque accent with a cigarette dangling from his lips.

"you got another one of those?"

before jake had a chance to reply johnnie came up behind you handing you water and told you to drink up. you weren't a big drinker it was very rare that you'd drink like this but it wasn't a cause for concern you were just trying to have fun.

you gave in and chugged down some water. he pulled you in and kissed you on the forehead.

jake stood there puffing on his cigarette he gave johnnie a look and motioned that he should take you back inside before you go asking anyone else for cigarettes.

johnnie did as he was told the party got quiter people were leaving. you and johnnie cuddled up on the couch he was stroking your hair while talking to someone on the other side of the couch you could feel yourself slowly drifting to sleep.

you woke up later to the house being almost completely empty but you and johnnie were still in the same spot on the couch you looked up at him before speaking.

"hey where's everyone?"

you got up looking around holding your head that was throbbing with a headache.

"they left babe, you drank a little too much and fell asleep on me i didn't wanna wake you up so i just let you."

you groaned laying back on him

"can we go up to your room? i'm sleepy."

you said still slurring your words, he got up taking your hand in his you both walked up to his room you kicked off your boots and opened johnnie's closet picking out a band shirt you stripped to your bra and panties and slipped the t-shirt over your head you fell onto the bed and let out a satisfied sigh.

johnnie followed after you the two of you got under the sheets he was rubbing circles around your back as you nuzzled your head into his chest and drifted off once again into a comfortable sleep.

johnnie guilbert & jake webber imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now