coloring book

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all credits to @/thugpugs4lrh on tumblr!!

Summary: In which you treat Johnnie and his tattoos like your own personal coloring book<3

Pairing: Johnnie x gender neutral reader (i don't think there's any fem terms in here, but please let me know if i'm mistaken!)

Warnings: None!

Word Count: 684

A/N: WHEN will i have my own personal johnnie guilbert??


"It's so wet out," You groaned, peeking through the blinds of your and Johnnie's living room. "I'm bored." You huffed, flopping on the couch beside your boyfriend dramatically.

"You're like a puppy." Johnnie mumbled, not taking his eyes off his phone.

"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, playfully raising your eyebrow.

"You can't stay still."

"I wanna do something." You pouted.

You couldn't stand not having anything to do. Whereas Johnnie was perfectly content to hang out inside all day and engage in his hobbies, you preferred to be out and about, seeking out new experiences. In a rare turn of events, Johnnie had no filming and no editing to get done this weekend, and you didn't have to work. Unfortunately though, Los Angeles had decided to torment you with a downpour of rain and chilly wind.

"C'mere," Johnnie put his phone down and opened his arms for you to cuddle. "I love you." he hummed once you were in his arms, kissing your head.

You snuggled into his chest, whispering back soft words of love. You figured that you might as well try to nap while Johnnie was holding you; maybe it would help pass the time. As you closed your eyes and tried to rest, images of things to do while stuck in the house floated through your mind until you suddenly shot up.

"Be right back." You giggled, hopping off his lap and padding towards your office.

Johnnie shook his head with a soft laugh, wondering what in the world you were up to. You quickly returned, brandishing a large pack of Crayola markers. Your boyfriend looked at you curiously, seeing as how you weren't holding any paper.

"Can I color in your tattoos?" You asked, straddling Johnnie's lap and looking up at him with big puppy eyes.

"So that's what you wanted to do?" Johnnie chuckled, squeezing your hips with a smile. "Sure baby, why not." he told you, planting a soft kiss on your lips.

You let out an excited squeal as Johnnie pulled his shirt off. Your boyfriend was literally one big coloring book and your mind raced with possibilities of what you could do. You poked your tongue out in concentration as you selected a pink marker, beginning to decorate his 'I'm not perfect' tattoo with flowers and vines designs. Johnnie smiled as the marker glided across his skin, but that wasn't what he was focusing on. Instead, he was admiring your beautiful face that was etched with concentration as you focused on making your lines neat.

You two stayed like that for quite a while. The rain pattering on the roof and the feeling of you coloring on his skin and leaving soft kisses on him was lulling Johnnie to sleep. Every now and then, you would whisper out how much you admired a certain tattoo. Being a big fan of both The Cure and of nature, your favorites were his Robert Smith tattoo and his tree tattoos. You adored all of Johnnie's tattoos, though. They made him unique, telling you the story of his life without words. Not only that, but they also offered you quite a bit of entertainment on days like today.

"All done!" You exclaimed about an hour later.

Johnnie was pulled out of his sleepy trance, a smile on his face. "Am I allowed to look?"

You nodded, dragging him to the bathroom and flicking on the light. Your boyfriend stood in front of the mirror, admiring the beautiful colors you had added to his tattoos. Johnnie wasn't a big fan of tattoos with color, but you had made them beautiful.

"I love it, baby." he giggled, pecking your lips.

I love you," You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. "Thank you for being a wonderful coloring book."

Johnnie smiled, picking you up and kissing you again. He loved you with all his heart, and that was definitely shown by the way he paraded around the house shirtless for the rest of the day, showing off the color you had added both to his skin and to his life.

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