hello kitty tat

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all credits to @/thugpugs4lrh on tumblr!!

Summary: In which you give Johnnie a surprise tattoo for a video<3

Pairing: Johnnie x tattoo artist!feminine reader

Warnings: Tattooing (?is that a warning?)

Word Count: 776

A/N: Thank you for the request!


"Hey guys!" Johnnie smiled, waving to the camera. "So, today I'm gonna get a new tattoo. Shocker," he fake gasped. "Only this one is going to come from my lovely girlfriend."

You smiled and waved to the camera as Johnnie kissed your cheek. You were rather shy, seeing as how this was the first ever video you were filming with Johnnie. "Hi, I'm Y/N. I'm Johnnie's girlfriend...and I'm also a tattoo artist." You whispered quietly, but with a smile.

You weren't used to talking to a camera, which made your voice shake a bit and your cheeks flush. Johnnie kissed your cheek again, whispering words of encouragement. He knew whatever he didn't want in the video, he could edit out. All that mattered to him right now was that you were comfortable. After all, this was his video and his career, despite your protests that you were okay with everything.

"So before I get my tattoo, you guys are probably wondering how Y/N and I met since it's her big reveal!" Johnnie became more animated as he talked about you. "Jake dared me to try a new tattoo shop while we were in Santa Monica and Y/N was the best in the area."

You blushed over his words, but made finger guns back at your boyfriend. "You know it."

"The rest is history," he chuckled, doing jazz hands. "But now, let's get into the actual point of today's video. Y/N is going to give me a tattoo of her choice. I don't know if I should be excited or afraid." Johnnie laughed.

He panned his vlogging camera around your private room in the tattoo studio you owned with your best friend. It was the complete opposite of a typical tattoo parlor's aesthetic, decorated with pink, Hello Kitty, and Marie from the Aristocats.

"Johnnie," You smiled, a devious look on your face as you waved to the camera. "I think you need a Hello Kitty tattoo."

Your boyfriend panned the camera back to his face, making a loud squeal. "I'm being tortured by the Hello Kitty girl." he said in one of his silly voices.

"Sit down." You playfully groaned, rolling your eyes.

Johnnie sat on the tattoo bench, patiently waiting for you to design and decide where his tattoo should go. It didn't take you long to write up a beautiful sketch; you'd been thinking about this tattoo idea for Johnnie for weeks, simply because it was a perfect combination of you both. You hadn't known how to bring it up, though, until Johnnie proposed you tattooing him for a video.

"Done!" You cheered. "Lift your shirt." You instructed, smirking at the camera.

"I'm scared, guys." Johnnie told his vlog.

You expertly placed the stencil on Johnnie's hip, instructing him to close his eyes so he couldn't peek. You prepared all the supplies you would need, planning on giving your boyfriend a fine line tattoo, which was much different than his usual style.

"Alright, I'm putting the camera on the tripod now so Johnnie can't peek and I'm going to blindfold him." You were slowly getting more comfortable talking to the camera, which Johnnie would make for a chaotic video now and even more in the future.

You set everything up, blindfolding Johnnie and making sure to clean the space and put on fresh latex gloves before speaking. "Are you ready?" You asked your boyfriend, firing up your machine.

He nodded quietly and giggled, mentioning something about 'don't draw a Barbie on me'. You began to work on the tattoo, speaking every now and then between you two, but mostly staying quiet so you could concentrate. It didn't take you as long as you thought it would; only about two and a half hours in total with water and bathroom breaks.

"Alright guys," You panned the camera to the tattoo bed where Johnnie was still blindfolded and giggling. "Are you guys ready to see Johnnie's new tattoo?"

"Yes!" Johnnie groaned. "Show me!"

You quickly wiped the new ink off, before removing Johnnie's blindfold and smiling proudly as he glanced at your work. It was a Hello Kitty tattoo, but she was holding an electric guitar, mid head bang with dark eyeliner rimming her eyes and a skull bow.

"I love it," Johnnie laughed, kissing you deeply. "It's perfect. The perfect combination of us."

"I've wanted you to get that tattoo for weeks. I was just waiting for the right time." You smirked.

And as you and Johnnie said goodbye to the video, you couldn't help but to ask one of your artist friends to do the same design on your own hip.

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