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~ Can we meet up?

I sent the text to Darciana and sat on my bed. After yesterday night about me being questioned again by Detective Tom, I got suspicious about why Detective Tom got so angry about me telling him about Cole's aggressiveness.

Darciana ~ Sure meet me at the same spot at two.

I looked at the time on my phone and see it's about thirty minutes before two. I stood up and went downstairs and grabbed my bike and made my way to Bison's. After I arrived I chained my bike and walked in and saw Darciana sat there in the booth busy on her phone.

"Hey." I slipped into the booth and took a seat.

"Hey, so why did you want to meet?" She questioned and switched her phone off and put it away in her black Parada purse.

"So Detective Tom took me in for questioning again." I said and crossed my arms.

"What did he ask you?" She took a sip of her water.

"You wanted to order something?" She asked me, I shook my head and she nodded.

"So here's the thing he asked me if I knew Thomas Miller." She frowned and motioned for me to continue.

"He asked me if I had anything to do with his murder about three years ago." Darciana looked shocked for a moment.

"And what did you say to him?" I sighed and scratched my brow.

"I told him I didn't know him personally and that I only know that he disappeared." I shrugged and she tapped her fingers against the table.

"So you acted like you didn't know he was murdered?" She asked and I nodded.

"Yes, I'm not going to tell him I already knew that he was murdered, I mean he's death wasn't even in the news or anything, Thomas Miller's death was kept away from the public." I explained to her and she nodded.

"The way I knew he was murdered is because Zane told me." She said and took another sip of her water.

"So what do we do now?" I ask her.

"I think it's time to go and see Thomas Miller's mom and ask her what happened." She said and grabbed a twenty dollar bill and put it on the table and grabbed her purse.

"Let's go." She ordered and walked out of the restaurant.

"Put your bike in the trunk." I quickly unchained my bike and put it in her trunk.

"Do you know where his mother live." I questioned as I buckled my seatbelt.

"Yes, I can remember the house I dropped Zane off a few times in the past." I nodded and looked out of the window, growing nervous about meeting Thomas mother. I mean they could easily say that she don't want to talk to us about her son's death.

We drove into a middle class neighbourhood and Darciana parked the car in front of a brown house.

"We're here." She said and shut the car off.

"Ready?" She asked as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"Not really but let's do this." We got out of the car and walked to the white front door.

Darciana rang the doorbell and waited for someone to open up. After a few seconds a short woman opens the door with brown curly hair with some grey hair in between, with bags under her eyes.

"Can I help you with something?" She asked us with a small smile.

"Yes I would like to speak with you about Thomas if that's okay?" Darciana asked the woman softly.

The woman's smile disappeared and she frowned. After a few seconds of silence she sighed and nodded. We walked into the house and she took us to the living room.

"Take a seat." She motioned for us. I took a seat next to Darciana as the woman took a seat opposite of us.

"So what do you want to know?" She asked as she fiddle with her fingers.

"Thomas and Cole were close friends right." Darciana eyes were staring deeply into Mrs. Miller's dull brown eyes.

"Yes, they would always have sleepovers and would go to parties." Mrs. Miller said and shrugged.

"But that boy Cole, there was always something about him that felt off." Mrs. Miller said with a frown.

"What do you mean?" I ask and her head snapped to me.

"Thomas would always say that he and Cole would always hangout with this other guy..." She snapped her fingers thinking about remembering the name.

"Elliot or something I can't remember." Mrs. Miller responded.

"Have you seen the guy before." She shook her head immediately.

"No it's always Thomas and Cole meeting him at the parties." She said and sighed.

"But you have met Zane right?" Darciana asked her, her voice cracking slightly.

"Yes I have met him before but I know for a fact it's not Zane it's whatever that boy's name is." Mrs. Miller said with a sigh.

"I'm sorry about asking you this, but Thomas was stabbed seven times right?"

"Yes on the chest and shoulders and left to bleed out." She responded.

"And why were the case closed?" Darciana ask.

"The police said there wasn't enough leads to continue." I nodded and scratched my brow.

"Thank you for your help." I said and stood up ready to leave this house.

"Yes thank you." Darciana said and followed me to the front door.

After saying goodbye to Mrs. Miller we got back into the car and just sat there silently.

"We have to find the Elliot guy." I said and Darciana nodded.

"I'll have to find out when's the next party and then we can go and try to find him." She said and started the car.

"I agree, he might know something we don't." She nodded and turned left.

I just hope we find this Elliot guy.


~ R

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