He gestures toward a beautiful house on top of a hill. He adds, "I live there."

"I shouldn't..." my voice trails off as I continue to look at the handsome man. At the first non-angel I had ever spoken to. I blink harshly. "Okay, yeah, I will."

I entered even though I knew I shouldn't. I could see endless water as I looked out his window. It was beautiful. I couldn't imagine seeing this every day.

"Would you like me to make you something?" he asks. He then sees the confusion on my face. "Something to eat?"

"Oh, yes, thank you," I smile. 

He made me a meal, he said it was called steak. I had never had it before. I ate what he made me, looked around his house, and sat in his backyard as I watched the sunset. 

"I should go now," I say as I sit with my knees to my chest. My father would be upset if I did not return until dark.

I stand and begin walking. I hear Adonis stand behind me. He calls out, making me stop, "Wait."

And so, I wait.

His adams apple moves as he swallows. He questions, "Will I see you again?"

My father said I was not to come back down here. But I look around, at the sky, at him. And I smile as I say, "Yes, you will, Adonis."

And I did. For two years. For the next two years, I snook out to visit him, I lied to everybody about it, including my father. Adonis showed me the world and everything that made it worth living. He took me to the ocean, he taught me how to swim, he taught me what a cat was. 

I stand on the sand with him. I thought that I would love sunsets, but I quickly began to hate them, because I knew it meant it was time for me to go. I wished I could spend a night down here on Earth.

"I wish I could see a sunrise," I say as I look out at the water. "I'm sure they are even more beautiful."

Adonis doesn't reply. It makes me confused. I turn around to look at him, and I see him on one knee, he holds a ring. I'm shocked. I knew what marriage was, and over the two years, I found myself wanting one with him. But I cannot touch him. I thought he would never marry somebody he couldn't touch.

"Will you marry me, Luella?" he asks over the sound of the waves, his curly black hair blowing from the salty wind. I smile so widely.

"Yes!" I smile. He slides the ring onto my finger, careful to not touch me, as it burns us both.

He stands up as I look at the ring. He says, "I wish I could kiss you right now."

"Me too," I say. "You really want to marry somebody you cannot touch?"

"If it's you?" he says. "Yes."

"But - wait," he says, he sounds hesitant, and he looks nervous. 

"What is it?" I ask. "You know I have to leave now."

"I know," he says. He takes a deep breath. "But there's something I need to show you, Lu. And I hope you don't love me any less."

"I could never," I promise. "What is it?"

His nerves confused me. It made my head tilt slightly. But then, he changes. Wings come from his back, black ones, and his eyes turn fully black. I gasped. I knew I was looking at a demon. 

"Luella," he says my name gently at my reaction.

Terrified, I bring my wings out and begin flying away, over the many trees. My breathing is erratic, I had been in love with a demon - I was married to a demon. I look behind me, I see him and his dark wings chasing after me through the trees.

I continue flying until my wing hits a branch, making me fall onto the grass. Before I can even stand up and continue flying, Adonis stands before me. 

"Don't be scared of me," he nearly pleads. "I would never hurt you, Lu."

"You're a demon?" my voice nearly breaks as my eyes fill with tears. 

He kneels in front of me. He nods, "I am. I know we aren't supposed to be together, but I love you, Luella. And I have for two years."

My heart pounded in my chest. Running from him would be the only logical thing to do right now.

"Is that why we cannot touch?" I question while illogically staying.

"It is," he nods. "But there is a way where we could touch."

Confusion fills my face. I stutter as I ask, "H-how?"

He looks hesitant to tell me. He avoids my eyes. He says while looking at the ground, "You are not going to like it."

"Tell me, Adonis," I demand. I'm always back by now, I questioned if anybody noticed I was gone. 

His eyes look back at mine. He states, "The Lord, the one who made it this way, needs to die."

My heart dropped. That was my father. I would have to kill my own father to touch him. He quickly adds, "I know he is your father, but I promise you, the angels are not as innocent as you think. They are why I can't do this."

He lifts his hand up to touch me. The second his fingers graze my skin, it burns us both, and I shout as he pulls his hand away.

"He is the one stopping our love," he says. I begin shaking my head. "Just consider it."

"Consider killing my own father?!" I shout. I stand, he does too, he follows me as I walk away. "I am not killing my father, Adonis, he would never do anything to hurt me."

He calls out my name. But angrily, I ignore him as I fly away back to Heaven, wearing the ring given to me by a demon.

Word Count: 1557

Word Count: 1557

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