Tae didn't answer anything and bit his lip.

"But Yoongi's here too," cried Jay almost waking up Yoongi, "You are being a bitch. We are not doing anything wrong. Just talking."

"I know you like him," Jungkook gritted his teeth with jealously, "That is why I don't want him in your bed."

Jungkook's eyes moved to Tae's legs on Jay and her hand still on Tae's stomach. That should have been his hand.


"You are ridiculous JK," Jay shook her head waking up Yoongi.

Tae finally opened his mouth, "Jungkook, you don't have to worry. I am – I am gay. I won't do anything to your sister."


Jungkook forgot to breathe.

"Perhaps you two shouldn't share the bed," winked Jay grinning, "Your situation is more dangerous."

Throwing dirty glares at the both Jungkook shook his head, "Shut up both of you!"

With that, he was gone. Rubbing his eyes, Yoongi woke up asking what the fuck happened so early in the morning?

After 5 minutes, they all heard a scream emerge out of Jungkook's room. Panic stricken they all ran out to see Jungkook walking out with something pink in his hand.

"Taehyung," he screamed still holding the pink cloth in his hand, "What – what is this?"

Tae shrugged, "Oh, sorry! Its my new panty. I – I just wanted to try and see if I am comfortable in it or not. So, I bought it."

Jungkook realized Tae didn't understand anything, "You – what is it doing in my bathroom?"


Jay paid attention to Jungkook. His face was completely red. His hands were trembling. He was disgusted with the panty but he wasn't throwing it or keeping it away.

What was happening to Jeon Jungkook?

"Don't – don't dry anything in my bathroom," Jungkook chided finally putting the panty down, "I wiped my face with it thinking it's a towel."

Jay let out a chuckle as Yoongi hit her arm.

"I will kill you, Jay," groaned Jungkook about to turn around.

"Then where should I dry it?" Tae asked al the three, "I bought quite a few of them."

"What?" Jungkook almost screamed shaking his head and ran inside the room.

He just couldn't stop picturing Tae's ass in those panties.

Yoongi explained Tae where he could dry his clothes as Jay sat on the chair understanding the whole situation.

Tae went to the kitchen to get some water when Jay whispered to Yoongi, "I think I know what is happening to Jungkook."

Yoongi nodded his head, "Yeah me too! I think he hates sharing room."

"What?" Jay frowned shaking her head, "You are such an innocent cat."

"Don't call me cat," Yoongi yelled at her and joined Tae in the kitchen.

In the evening, Jay decided to do some experiment. She put her diary aside and when everyone had gathered around, she brought her crop top.

"Tae," smiling she said, "I bought this crop top last month. But I am not comfortable in it. Its unisex. You can try it."

Tae examined the top and liked it. He went to try it in the room. After 5 minutes, he emerged out looking so beautiful. Since it was a crop top most of his stomach was visible.

Jungkook stopped breathing seeing it. Jimin whistled making Tae blush.

There was a knot right over the bellybutton which grabbed Jungkook's attention. God! What was happening to him? Was he actually staring at a man's top?

"How does he look Jungkook?" Jay asked smiling bright like a sun.

Jungkook ignored Jay but Jimin answered saying that he wanted to kiss Tae.

"I am serious," Jimin put the beer bottle aside, "I am not drunk. I really want to kiss you."

"Shut up Jimin," scolded Hobi, "You are drunk."

Jungkook was so mad at Jimin. He felt like punching the shorty. Jimin's fingers were on Tae's stomach.

Smirking Jay asked, "What's wrong Kook?"

Jungkook was about to curse his sister but just took the beer bottle and went to his room.

Tae looked down dejected. He thought he looked bad in the top. Perhaps disgusting to Jungkook.

"I will change," Tae informed as Jay asked him to keep the top for him.

Tae locked the door and forgot Jungkook was in the room too. Though a beast he was hiding behind the wardrobe looking for something.

Removing the knot, Tae began to unbutton the top when Jungkook emerged out.

"Fuck!" Jungkook shouted seeing Tae remove the buttons, "Stop!"

Abruptly Tae stopped, his hands shaking, "What – what's wrong?"

Jungkook's eyes were on Tae's smooth stomach, that cute bellybutton. He wanted to kiss that smooth, honey skin so bad.

"Um, I – I will go out," Jungkook informed looking at Tae's beautiful face, "Then you change."

Tae shrugged seeing Jungkook disappear outside.

At night, Jungkook was woken up by something hard. Something hard between his legs. This was getting out of hand now. He needed a release. He needed something.

Grabbing the pillow Jungkook began to grind himself. Then he realized it was not a pillow. Fuck!

He moved his hands up and realized it was Tae's ass, his bare ass. While the pink panty was lying around.

Knowing the truth, Jungkook still kept on grinding between the crack. His rock-hard cock touching the soft skin.

"Jungkoookaahhh," Tae cried turning his face around, "What you doing?"

Jungkook stopped moving, "Sorry baby. I – I need this. I need to do this or I will go crazy. You are so sexy."

Tae smiled touching JK's face, "I know. I know you don't hate me. I know everything."

"Really?" Jungkook was shocked.

Nodding his head, Tae whispered, "Kiss me Jungkookaaah. Pleaseee!"

Jungkook couldn't believe it. Finally, he was about to touch Tae's lips. His hands still on Tae's ass.

Just as they were about to smash the lips, Jungkook woke up again. Tae was sleeping peacefully on his side.




He looked down at his pants crying.

Kim Taehyung had made him hard for the second time in less than 24 hours.

Fuck you!

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