Build Me Up, Buttercup

Start from the beginning

Wendy was about to call the police when a girl with narrow eyes arrived and called out Lisa's name. She tried reasoning with Lisa, but she refused to leave and asked the girl to find out what the scent was. The girl asked Wendy to make all the food and drinks on the menu for Lisa to smell.

Wendy thought it was a joke at first but soon realized the situation's seriousness. The girl promised to pay double the price if Wendy could solve the mystery.

After preparing 37 drinks and 29 cakes, Lisa finally found what she was looking for – a freshly brewed espresso. Wendy was almost angry, but the narrow-eyed girl paid double the amount stated.

The narrow-eyed girl, who introduced herself as Seulgi, returned to Wendy's cafe to explain Lisa's condition and asked her to be patient with Lisa's peculiarities. Since then, Lisa has been a frequent visitor to Wendy's cafe.

Lisa did it again. She acted the same way as she first met Wendy. She seemed really anxious and it was hard for her to talk. Her voice was shaky, and she couldn't put her words out properly. She kept repeating the same question, and it started to draw attention from other people.

Lisa's eyes were darting around and she couldn't focus, and she kept fidgeting the hem of her shirt and made it all wrinkled. It was pretty obvious that Lisa was having a tough time trying to keep it together.

"D-do you like her?" Lisa kept pointing at Jisoo and annoyed the latter with her antics. "P-please answer..." Lisa begged Rose.

Rose could only remain silent because this was the first time she saw Lisa like this. She was confused about what Lisa's question meant.

"Lisa..." Wendy called softly. "Hey, buddy, calm down..." Wendy tried to grab Lisa's hand, but Lisa immediately brushed it off.

"Do not touch me!" Lisa half screamed. "I-I'm sorry...But please, no touch..." Lisa was getting more and more restless.

Wendy realized her mistake and apologized.

"Hey, buddy, listen to me..." Wendy was still trying to divert Lisa's attention. "Lisa, please... Look at me," she added.

Lisa still didn't pay attention to Wendy and she started to grab Rose's hand. The blonde was shocked by Lisa's antics.

"YAH! WHAT THE FUCK!" Now Jisoo was the one shouting and warning Lisa.

Lisa flinched, then immediately let go of Rose's hand. Practically slamming.

"YAH!" Jisoo was fuming and immediately stood up, about to teach Lisa a lesson.

"Stop it!" Wendy snapped. "Lisa! Lalisa!" Wendy's voice boomed and made Lisa speechless. "Look at me, now!" Wendy still uses a firm tone.

Lisa was terrified and she looked like a scared child who had just been scolded by their mother.

"Breath with me, okay?" Wendy said to Lisa while her hand motioned to Jisoo, telling her to sit down.

"Breathe in...breathe out..." Wendy kept leading Lisa in catching her breath. "One, two, three, four. One, two,'re doing great, buddy. Keep counting," Wendy added.

"Four. One, two, three, four," Lisa followed Wendy's count by touching each fingertip of her hand.

Rose and Jisoo couldn't believe their eyes as they watched Wendy expertly handle Lisa. It was as if Wendy had known Lisa for years and could navigate her easily.

After Lisa had calmed down a bit, Wendy pulled up a chair and gestured for Lisa to sit down beside her. Lisa obliged and took a seat next to Wendy. She noticed that Lisa was still tapping her fingers and counting under her breath.

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