Tomorrow Never Comes

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"See you tomorrow, friend!"

Lisa couldn't shake Jennie's words out of her head, even three days after they met at her favorite cafe. Jennie had promised to meet her the next day, but Lisa was still waiting. It was frustrating, to say the least. Lisa hated when people didn't keep their promises, and Jennie seemed to be one of them.

But then again, did Jennie's words count as a promise in the first place? Lisa was torn between annoyance and confusion.

Seulgi could sense that something was off with Lisa. Every time they met, Lisa's dark vibes were hard to miss. Seulgi knew that hanging out with her wasn't Lisa's favorite thing to do, but this time it was different. Lisa seemed more annoyed than ever before.

"You good?"

Lisa shot her a sharp glance and went back to reading her book.

"Okay, I'll take that as a no," Seulgi said, feeling uneasy.

Lisa's silence was deafening. Seulgi wondered if she should leave, but then she decided to ask anyway.

"Do you want me to leave?" Seulgi asked hesitantly.

Lisa raised her eyebrows in surprise. It was the first time Seulgi had asked her something like that. Normally, Seulgi did what she wanted without caring about others' feelings.

Lisa was confused. Had Seulgi finally turned over a new leaf?

"Nah~" Seulgi chuckled, "You know I won't." she said mockingly.

Lisa sighed and rolled her eyes. She should have known better. With Seulgi, things were never easy.

Seulgi walked up to Lisa's seat and plopped down on the floor in front of her. "Whatcha reading?" she asked, peering at the book in Lisa's hands. "What Dog See, Smell, and Know," Seulgi spelled out the title, her eyes widening.

"Oh my God, are you thinking of adopting a dog?" she exclaimed, trying to grab the book from Lisa.

Lisa quickly pulled it back. "No," she said, bluntly.

"Then why are you reading it? I thought you were a cat person," Seulgi said, looking confused.

Lisa didn't feel like explaining, but suddenly remembered something Jennie had said. "Do you know what a Labrador is?" she asked Seulgi, closing the book.

"Yeah, they're really smart dogs," Seulgi replied, smiling. "They're known for being reliable and intelligent compared to other breeds."

"Reliable?" Lisa asked.

"Yep," Seulgi nodded. "There was a Labrador at my foster home and he was a smart guard dog. He loved the kids but obedience.

"We used to take Sam to swim in the lake and he was amazing at finding fish," Seulgi continued.

"Sam?" Lisa was confused.

"Sam was the name of the Labrador, guard dog at the orphanage," Seulgi explained.

"Dogs have names?" Lisa was even more confused.

"Of course they do," Seulgi said, looking at Lisa like she was crazy. "Haven't you ever had a pet before?"

Lisa thought for a moment. "Yeah," she replied.

"And you didn't name it?"

"I don't remember," Lisa wasn't sure.

Seulgi shook her head. "Well, how did you call it then?"

"I didn't," Lisa said, feeling confused. "Why would I call it?" Lisa was puzzled.

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