Playing Fetch

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"Lisa!" Jennie screamed at the top of her lungs, but Lisa kept running as if she was in a race. Jennie had been chasing her for almost 3 blocks now, but her short legs were no match for Lisa's long strides. As Jennie's breathing became scarce, she realized she had never done cardio, especially in the hot sun.

"Dang it! Why does she have to be that darn fast!" The frustration was evident on Jennie's face as she grumbled. Lisa was getting farther and farther away, and it seemed like Jennie would lose her anytime soon. But then, just as she was about to give up, she spotted an electric scooter for rent. Jennie's eyes lit up with hope, but her excitement was short-lived as she remembered that she had left all her things in the cafe.

Jennie cursed under her breath, looking at Lisa, whose figure almost disappeared in the distance. She knew she had to act fast to catch up, but how?

"Jennie?" A voice called out from behind, causing her to turn around abruptly. Her heart skipped a beat as she saw Kai riding an electric scooter toward her.

"KAI!" Jennie exclaimed, feeling a sudden surge of excitement. She needed that electric scooter, and she needed it now. "Do you mind if I borrow this?" She blurted out, her words coming out in a rapid stream.

Kai looked confused, "But I'm about to return it," he said hesitantly.

"Please, I'll pay you back later, I promise!" Jennie pleaded, snatching the helmet from Kai's hand as she took control of the electric scooter.

"I'll see you tomorrow at campus!" Jennie shouted over her shoulder as she zoomed off on the electric scooter, feeling the wind rushing through her hair.

Despite the electric scooter being painfully slow, Jennie felt a sense of relief knowing that it was faster than walking. As she rode along, she spotted Lisa in the distance, slowly approaching her. Jennie decided to wait until she was closer to call out to her, not wanting to scare her off again.

With the helmet that was too big for her head, covering almost her entire face, Jennie felt a little foolish, but she was determined to catch up to Lisa. As she rode at a speed of 10km/hour, Jennie couldn't help but wonder what she would do once she caught up. But for now, she decided to focus on the chase and think about the rest later.

Jennie had been following Lisa for a while now, trying to gather the courage to talk to her. But she hesitated every time she came close and continued to trail behind. Jennie knew she looked like a stalker but couldn't help it. She was just so nervous about approaching Lisa, especially since she didn't know much about Lisa's condition.

Finally, when they reached a crossroads, Lisa suddenly stopped and sat on a bench on the side of the road. Jennie, who was right behind her, panicked and braked on her scooter, causing her to lose her balance and fall. The sound of her fall was so loud that it caught the attention of the people around her, including Lisa.

Jennie's arm was scratched and there was a torn wound up to her elbow, but she didn't feel the pain. Instead, she was overcome with embarrassment. After managing to stand up and pick up her scooter, Jennie took off her oversized helmet.

People passing by didn't pay much attention to her. But when Jennie looked up, she saw Lisa staring at her with a blank expression. When their eyes met, Lisa's expression changed as she realized that Jennie was the person who had been following her.

Lisa was about to run away, but Jennie's booming voice stopped her in her tracks.

"YAH!" Everyone was paying attention to Jennie again.

"Are you just going to leave me like this? Have you no decency to at least ask if I'm okay?" She stomped towards Lisa while dragging her electric scooter, making Lisa panic even more. Though she wanted to run away, her feet seemed to be rooted to the ground.

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