Group of the Dwarves

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"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine,"

"But you don't look fine, dude,"

"Then stop looking."

Lisa had just out from her room after completing her IV fluids bag, feeling a little cranky because Seulgi was still over at her house. It was around 4 PM and Lisa automatically made her way to the kitchen, knowing full well that Jennie would text her soon to check if she was drinking enough water.

As Lisa swung open the fridge door to grab a bottle of water, confusion washed over her when she realized two bottles were missing. There should have been 8 bottles, but there were only 6. Lisa knew Seulgi hated water as much as she did, so it couldn't have been her. Could it have been the doctor? But then why would they have taken two bottles at once? Each bottle held 600ml of water, so it seemed unlikely that the doctor would have chugged down 1.2 liters of water in one go. Lisa was left perplexed and wondering what had happened to her missing bottles of water.

"Did you drink my water?" she demanded, her voice sharp and accusatory.

Seulgi hesitated for a moment, then cringed. "Uhm... yeah?" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Lisa's suspicions were instantly aroused. "Two bottles?" she asked, one eyebrow raised skeptically.

Seulgi scoffed, trying to sound nonchalant. "Of course not. I gave one to Dr. Park," she said.

Lisa was not convinced. She strode over to the cabinet where she always kept Seulgi's mug and flung it open. "You're lying," she said, her voice rising. "Your mug is gone."

She then spun around and yanked open the fridge, her eyes scanning the contents inside. "And my orange juice is decreasing. That means you drank orange juice, not my water. Where is my water?" she demanded, her voice ringing with frustration. She was annoyed because Seulgi was lying to her again.

Lisa is a creature of habit. Every week, she buys exactly 25 bottles of mineral water, which is just enough for her daily consumption of 3 bottles and keeping 4 bottles as an emergency supply. Who knows someone who's not Seulgi would come by?

Jennie likes water.

Unfortunately, Lisa drank all the emergency bottles when she got food poisoning and could only drink water.

Lisa usually goes to the supermarket on Saturdays, and her stock of mineral water should still last for another 2 days. However, she lost 2 bottles of mineral water, which meant she had to go to the supermarket a day early, and that really upset her routine. Lisa is always a bit thrown off when her routine is disrupted, and it's not easy to get back on track.

Seulgi was at her wit's end with Lisa's antics. "It's just water..." she muttered under her breath. She had promised Jennie not to tell Lisa about her visit and didn't want to break that promise.

"It's my water," she snapped back, sounding defensive.

Seulgi rolled her eyes. "What's so special about that water anyway? You're not even drinking it," she pointed out.

Lisa suddenly remembered Jennie and reached for her phone to check for any message from her. But there was nothing. It was already past 4 PM and Jennie had not sent her a message yet. Lisa's mind started racing. Was Jennie angry with her for ignoring her all day? Why hadn't she messaged her?

She thought about sending Jennie a message first, but didn't know what to say. She decided to wait a little longer, hoping that Jennie was just busy and would message her soon.

As time ticked by, Lisa became more and more anxious. She kept checking her phone, hoping to see Jennie's name pop up in her notifications. She typed and deleted several messages, unsure of what to say.

TWO PLUS TWO | JenLisa AUUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum