Part 1: Attachments

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Do you wake up some days with a feeling of uncertainty? Maybe you want to call out of work, and just want to lay in bed all day. But your job is what pays the bills so you get up for work anyways. If you are feeling this way then you should know you're not alone. In fact, most Americans don't take any sick days at all. We just go on with our daily lives living the same repetitive cycle, like robots. But not only that, we all have our personal lives, family, friends, and issues. Mel Robbin's once said "There will always be someone who can't see your worth. Don't let it be you."
So if you're living your day to day life in the trance of this economy. Then that's exactly what you'll be doing. Not seeing your worth. When you grow up being taught that you need a career and education to have a good life. But nobody ever mentioned that you're able to live whatever life you want to live. As long as you have a little bit of belief. Believe that you are here, in the present moment. And you have the power to do whatever you set your mind to. You have to let go of all the hardships you think you may have. Realize those hardships are nothing but stepping stones to get you where you need to be. Because If you are viewing them as hardships, those are apart of your "Attachments". Sometimes a loved one could be an attachment too. Maybe you're not getting along with your best friend or your spouse, or maybe you feel as though your kids are driving you Insane. You don't have to stop caring or loving someone if you decide you want to not be Attached to them. Remember this is your life, your journey, and anyone around you is just living in it. So now that you have an idea of what your attachments are. You now are beginning to see where you are putting too much of your energy in. So take a step back and let things be for once. To remove these attachments you must first realize that everything is everything. Everything is possible, and all things are everywhere. With this belief you shall never be surprised because you have already accepted all outcomes. You'll start to realize daily that things aren't as bad as they seem and any obstacles end up becoming a stepping stone towards success, better knowledge, and understanding.

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