2 | Choking & Churros

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Taking in the bar, it was wooden and lights were flashing because they were broken. It was fairly quiet, but they had bar food by the looks of it. And I was starving.

Finding a spot at the bar, I settled down and immediately started looking at what they had.

"Hey, Dom." Damien said deeply and quietly beside me. "Is that-" he nodded down the bar.

And my eyes fucking lit up.

Rosa was down the other side of the bar. Not as a patron. Rosa worked here. She was busy cleaning glasses and hadn't noticed us arrive.

This was the other place she worked?

"What's up, fellas." A rugged man came into our view behind the bar. "What can I get for everyone?" He asked, scanning the group. "Beers for the men here?" He offered Damien and I.

Damien agreed and I just followed along, because my gaze was locked on Rosa and her only. Her hair was tied neatly with small soft strands out the front. A slight sheen covered her face and the way the button up stretched at her chest was-

My mind finally snapped back into the presence and I stopped being a creepy pervert when he placed a beer in front of me.

The man who worked here looked to the women. "Cocktails?" He offered. "Wine for the pretty blonde here?" He settled on Flo, watching her.

My only thought was good luck dude.

Flo went to reply but Rhea did instead, I noticed her put her hand on her wife's thigh beneath the bar. "I'll have a rum and cola." She said. "And my pretty wife will have a vodka, lime and soda."

The man nodded. "Sure thing." He glanced at Ellie, waiting for her to order.

"I'll take you up on the cocktail, please." She said. "Anything you're offering."

The weird man who's name badge read Reggie, raised an eyebrow. "Rosa!" She shouted harshly. "Cocktail. Do whatever you wanna do." He said carelessly.

I watched as Rosa snapped her head at us, and faintly smiled awkwardly as she saw us. I could tell she didn't want to, but she came over. "Hey, guys." She said softly.

Florence was the first one to reply and make her feel comfortable. "Hey, Rosa."

Ellie joined in. "You work here often?"

Reggie was busy with making other drinks, glancing at us as he did.

As Rosa made a cocktail for Ellie, she glanced at me every now and then through conversations with the girls. And I was looking at her everytime she looked.

It was getting embarrassing, and I had to focus on Damien instead.

"You know drinking isn't gonna help your ribs." Rosas voice sort of scared me as she came over to me, smiling playfully at me.

"I pinky promised you no wrestling, not no drinking." I leaned on my elbows. "You didn't say anything about drinking, actually, just smoking."

Rosa looked at me in disbelief. "I think I did."

I knew exactly everything she said. "You didn't, but it's alright, I'm just having one."

She looked at my beer. "Make it two, I'll make something for you."

My interest was piqued. "Sure, though let the record be shown that you, my medic, is encouraging me to drink now. With broken ribs."

She gave me this cute look with a tight smile. "Bruised ribs." She replied, then went to grab some alcohol off the shelf- stopping when Reggie put his hand on her arm. "I need you to take the food to table 7." He said.

And Still S2 | Rhea Ripley & Dominik Mysterio | Spicy and Possessiveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن