Chapter 4

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private personal note of survival lesson #22

The best lesson in life is experience. They say it comes with age but that's only a half-truth. The real saying should be something along the lines of "what you live through and survive is what makes for an intelligent person" not age. most lives are easy not a good walk but still. However, there are a select few who have it worse, and it makes for even tougher people. Among other things.

Chapter 4

The door slammed shut. the sound of the lock clicking echoed throughout the room. Our previously small group of four has now expanded to seven.

"Agh. No!" one hundred sixty-seven crouched down on the floor head in her hands. One hundred sixty-five looks in her direction.

"What's up with you."

She jumps to her feet wiping her head around facing him. The look of anger and fear on her face. "Everything! I almost died today. I hate to say it but it's true. I know people die in here all the time but still. I don't want to die yet there's so much I wanted to do."

one hundred fifty-nine makes her way over placing her hand on one hundred sixty-seven shoulder "It's ok. It will be alright." She rubs her shoulder I refuse to die here.

for fucks sake. girls been here for four years get a grip. I look at her "Bold of you to assume you're getting out. Where all dead." Everyone in the room turns to look at me. The kind of look on their face that says. What the hell is wrong with you. "what? You're looking at me like I just crushed your hopes and dreams. This should be common sense."

one hundred sixty-five crossed his arms and let out a scoff "You know it difficult to not love and hate your personality" he said a small smirk crossing his face.

One hundred fifty-nine pops her head around him. "He doesn't have a personality."

"Yeh, he does. and it's morbid as all shit" he laughs.

"don't laugh." one hundred sixty-seven yells out "I'm upset and your both not taking this seriously."

I walk over to my bed and flop down. "I am taking it seriously. I'm looking at it from a realistic point of view. You're not. You're looking at it from a hopeful mindset when you shouldn't."

"Alight that's it. Everyone quiet!" one hundred fifty-nine yells out. "This conversation is scaring the newbies" She gestures to the right where our three new roommates stand looking completely lost and somewhat nervous. "I now declare we have group times at least once a week." one hundred sixty-five plops himself on a chair

"I beg your pardon. Where is this coming from?"

"Group. time." She walks over collecting chairs from around the room and placing them in a circle.

"now drag the chair of yours over here. before I do It For. you."

"jeez alright calm down."

Everyone makes their way over and takes up a chair.

"hey you bed boy. Get up."

I turn my head "Why?" she sits down "because it will be good for new newbies. And we can sharing is caring."

She taps her fingers on the chair. "And there's also been something I want to know. And do but it's up to you all." She looks at me "So get over here please!"

sighing I stand up and walk over "Don't expect me to contribute though." I sit down in the last chair across from her.

"Alright, that's a start I guess. So um"

Shackles and chains - Blood origins trilogy-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora