Chapter 23

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"Are you alright?" Changwei says reaching for me as I leave the jail.

"You heard all that right? Now you know what her motive was" I say not meeting his eyes.

"Danni you have to understand that she didn't know the full picture. Her village was infiltrated and I could not endanger my men's lives by just letting them go" He says touching my shoulder.

"Did you really murder women and children though?" I say stopping and looking up into his eyes.

"No, I swear on my life, we never harmed any women or children! She must be misunderstanding me or some other military group came in using my name or identity?" He says earnestly.

"Alright, I know it was war time and there are no real winners on either side. I just need some time because I don't feel so well" I say, still avoiding his eyes and continuing to walk away from the jail.

"Alright why don't you go back and rest" he says walking after me and I walk a few more steps and feel my knees buckle and I start to crumple to the ground. His arms wrap around my waist and pull me back up to standing position.

"I want to leave here, please can we just leave, please" I say as my voice cracks and turn my head to look at him.

"I'm sorry Danni, I promise we will leave soon" He says and wipes a tear that has escaped from my eyes and then pulls me into a hug.

"Can you hug me tighter?" I ask as the tears have fully escaped from my eyes. He listens and pulls me in so tight I can hear his heart beating fast.

"I don't understand anything, why do these things keep happening to me and around me?" I squeak out and he then loosens his grip on me.

"I don't know why life is so hard, but I promise I will do anything in my power to make you happy and make your future bright. Things will get better and we will have many good days again" He says, still holding me tight.

"Please don't say such wonderful things, I don't think I can raise my hopes again and besides won't you end up leaving me again?" I say.

"No, I am stationed in the city and even if there is a war that breaks out here I will only stay here in the capital. Any trips I will make to the Grasslands border will be temporary" He explains.

"Promise?" I say quietly.

"Yes, I promise you this" He says and unwraps his arms around me and pulls me back to look into my eyes. I stare into his rich deep brown eyes without saying anything until I feel my cheeks start to flush and I turn away.

"Let's go back now" I say and he nods his head and then takes my hand into his and holds it all the way back to our place.

A few days pass and Changwei lets me know that we will be able to leave the palace in a few days and then we can make a trip out to see my parents. I feel my heart become lighter hearing the news. 

I take a walk alone around the palace as I was starting to get stir crazy staying inside the house for so long. I find myself in a garden with a pond and I watch the koi fish in the water and I start to think about getting to see my family again and I smile to myself.

"I am happy I could see your smile one last time" A voice says and I whip around and myself looking at Prince Sun Ying.

"I, um, your Majesty" I say flustered with a bow.

"I didn't mean to startle you, but I wanted to speak to you one last time."

" What can I do for you Prince Sun Ying?" I say looking around feeling uncomfortable.

"Don't worry Danni, I just wanted to apologize for my behavior and the things that happened to you. I really was trying to help you and it wasn't coming from a bad place, but nonetheless I hurt you and for that I am truly sorry" Prince Sun Ying says and bows his head apologetically.

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