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Name: Vengeance.

Age: ?

Gender: Female.

Eye Color: Green (Red When Light Hits).

Hair Color: Dark Red.

Species: Cryptid.

Pronouns: She/Her.

Appearance: Pale Dirty Skin, Dirty Dark Red Hair, Green/Red Eyes, Dirty Dark Grey T-Shirt, and A Dirty Grey White Shorts.

Family: Unknown, Possibly She Murdered Them And It's Unknown If She Has Siblings Or Other Relatives.

Powers: Transformation, Super Speed, Night Vision, Sharp Claws, Sharp Teeth, Super Smart.

Origin: Human Race.

Group: Humanoid Cryptid.

Power Source: Rage.

Bio: A normal teen who was sent to The TTI (Troubled Teen Industry) by her parents. After spending weeks being tortured she snapped a transformed into a Cryptid who then murdered all the people who worked there before she vanished into the night. She then showed up and killed more workers from other camps and workplaces before disappearing completely.

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