Chapter 31

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A month had passed since everything had happened. Things were a lot better after everything was cleared up with me and my dad. He was even getting along with Alastor better, which I was happy about. Today the most exciting thing was Charlie and Vaggie going to heaven. Alastor said he had business to tend to so that ruled out being with him for today, so I was going to spend some time with Angel.

Charlie and Vaggie were currently waiting for the portal to open when an explosion blasted a hole in the wall. Everyone looked to see who it was and I was presently surprised to fine Cherri. She ran up and have Angel a big hug, then noticed me when they separated. "Y/N?! Holy shit! It's been too long since I've seen ya hot stuff!" She took me into a big hug, which I returned. "Still with that lanky deer boy 'a yours?" She playfully punched my arm.

I laughed and nodded, "yes, yes I am. How've you been though?" She gave me a shrug in response and we both started talking like no time had passed.

"Wait a minute, Cherri you know Y/N?" We both looked over and laughed at his very puzzled look.

Cherri wrapped an arm around my shoulders and beamed a smile at him. "Hell yeah I do! Me and this bitch knew each other when we were alive! Caused a lotta trouble with this one, ain't that right?"

I laughed remembering some of the things we got ourselves into, "oh without a doubt!" We laughed with each other before Cherri suggested the three of us go out to a club. I excitedly agreed and rushed up to Angel's room to steal some of the smaller clothes I was able to fit into. I took one of his black miniskirts and rushed into Alastor's room to change, and also steal one of his red shirts. Looking at myself in the mirror I have a big toothy grin and rushed out.

When I reached my two friends a portal opened up, Charlie threw Vaggie inside and quickly followed waving goodbye. Sir Pentious entered not long after it closed, spitting and spilling his drink over the carpet. "Well, if it isn't my arch nemesis," Cherri rolled her eye making me and Angel giggle a bit. "Have you come to meet your fate in battle Cherri Bomb?" He slithered forward, not getting fat before tripping on a bag Charlie had left behind.

"Apparently," she shrugged and started walking away from him. "I'm goin' out with Angel and Y/N and I gotta drag your sorry ass along." I looked at Angel, to which he shrugged defeatedly.

"Oh! Oh... you and me are.. going out?" He looked like he was getting nervous, 'no way.. does he have a thing for her!?' I smiled widely at the thought. "Like.. for fun? I.. I didn't think they think would ever happen. What-What do I do? What do I wear?" He placed a hand on her shoulder, to which she grabbed his hand harshly. My ears picking up the sound of various cracks.

"Don't fucking touch me," she said while letting his hand go and walking away. After that, all six of us started on our way to a club. Cherry told everyone she knew just the place, so we all followed her lead. It wasn't long before we stood in front of a decently sized building, a neon pink sign reading the name 'Consent' I looked up and chuckled to myself, 'Good name for a sex club.'

With Angel's background we didn't have to wait in line. Which while it was also, was also a little upsetting knowing what he was going through with Valentino. I swore to myself if I ever saw him I'd kick his dick so hard it'd go back up into his body. We all sat at the bar I talked with my dad a bit while we drank, before he split off to join Cherri and Angel's conversation. My eyes fell on a very nervous looking Pentious, making me get up from my stool and walk over to him.

"Ah! Y/N, is there something I can do for you?" He was fidgeting with his claws, but tried to appear confident.

"No, just wanted to point of what I've been observing," I smiled at him. He gave me a questioning look, "you've got a thing for Cherri!"

"Ah- No! That-that is ridiculous!" He waved his hands about all flustered, "Miss Bomb and I are rivals!"

"Oh cut the shit, I'm not dumb." He opened his mouth to protests again but gave me a defeated look instead. "Why don't you warm her up a bit? Oh, get her a shot!" The idea was a great one, but the poor guy was so nervous he ended up announcing he would buy everyone a shot. Niffty was running around having the time of her life and eventually we migrated to a booth to drink more.

As the night went on Angel, Cherri, and I all went onto the dance floor. We were all having a great time and in my drunken state, my eyes went to the stripper poles on the stage. I got Angel's attention and pointed to them with a smile. "Give me a show toots! I wanna see how good you were to get all them guys attention!" Referring to my past, I gave him a mischievous grin and ran towards the stage.

The second I stood on it everything came flooding back into my memory. I hadn't done this in so long, but the rush of excitement I got when everyone's attention went to me was unforgettable. I had the DJ play a certain song I used to preform to. The routine was engraved into my brain, it was always my best performance.

The music started and I took my place on the pole, working on it like I had never left that fancy old casino. The thrill of my performance intoxicated me almost as much as the alcohol I drank to get on this stage. Sliding, climbing and falling, grinding against it like the professional I used to be. The crowd erupted in cheers at my every move. Some inebriated demons even throwing money in my direction, which I had no plan of taking. Lost in my performance, I had no clue who had entered the club. I finished off and stared at the roaring crowd, my eyes darting all around the room. I watched as Angel and Cherri hollered my name and cheered. My father looked absolutely shocked, Pentious was drunk and slipping off of the chair he was on, and Niffty was attempting to clean off drinks from people's tables.

I watched Angel rush off to her so she wouldn't get in trouble then my eyes fixated on a familiar red demon. His cheeks were burning a dark red, my face quickly heated up and I scurried off of the stage. My movements were paused by some drunkard putting his hands on my hips and trying to pull me to him. "Get your hands off of me."

"Awhh but pussycat you were hic so sexy up on that stage. Come on, let me bring you to one of the rooms in the back~"

"I'm not interested, I have a boyfriend already and he's actually here right now. So I wouldn't like to go see him."

"Boyfriend huh? Well I don't see him."

"Then I suggest you turn around, good sir," the sound of his voice was as staticky as the time Lucifer flirted with me. The demon took his hands off of me and I watched his face of confidence fall. Almost at is he sobered up as soon as he saw the Radio Demon behind him. "Now if you would have listened to my love you probably would have escaped with a few broken bones, some cuts here and there, and a very good understanding of what not to do, but now..." his eyes flicked to radio dials and he gripped the man by his throat, "you'll have to die for laying your vile hands on what's mine."

The Gamble (Alastor x Reader) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora