Chapter 24

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It wise nice here with Alastor. No one to interrupt our conversations, no loud screaming, no having to watch Angel's "performances." Just us enjoying the company of the other. I felt bad that I hadn't talked much the first couple of days here, but I was grateful he didn't try to force me into talking about it.

I wasn't exactly sure how to handle what happened and where to go after. Did I want to forgive him? Did I want to hear him apologize and then never talk to him? Or maybe just never see him again. I kept weighing my options, hoping that one would jump out at me or tell me that it was the right one to choose. Alastor wasn't much help, he would just say "whatever you decide is what's best." As sweet as it was, I wanted advice.

Alastor was going back to work today so I was making him breakfast as a surprise! The only things that sucked about it was having to leave his warmth and having to wake up so damn early. I had looked at what he had around the kitchen. There wasn't much left to make. I decided eggs, waffles, and what I assumed to be sausage. But when you cook meat in a cannibal's house, you never know.

The final waffles had joined the others, eggs had just finished cooking, and the "sausage" was fully cooked. I put on a pot of coffee, wiped my hands on the apron I was wearing, then went up the stairs as quietly as possible to wake Alastor. I found him cuddling up to the pillow I had put in love of myself and smiled at the sight. Leaning over, I kissed his cheek until he stirred, "Alastor, it's time to wake up," I spoke softly as to not startle him. He hummed in response and turned to face me, his eyes half-lidded with sleep but his smile grew when they caught a glimpse of me. I kissed him on his lips, him sleepily returning it, "good morning Al. I made breakfast, come down before it gets cold."

I planted another kiss on his forehead before standing straight and walking out of the door. I heard him shuffling behind me hurriedly, bringing a smile to my face while I walked down the hall and into the kitchen. I walked in with perfect timing, watching the final drops of coffee fall into the pot. This morning was going great. I was the happiest I had been in days, while I grabbed two mugs from the cupboard and placed them down I hummed to myself. Humming quickly becoming singing as I poured the brown liquid into the mugs. I added some things to mine, leaving Alastor's as I knew he preferred his coffee black. I turned around with the mugs and set them on the table where I found a very love struck looking Alastor sitting as he listened.

I was going to stop, but just as my voice began to quiet Alastor spoke up. "Please, my flower. Sing for me?" His pupils were do dilated from adoration, I almost thought they would fill in the lighter red of his eyes. I smiled at his ask, taking the song from the top so he could hear the whole thing.

"I'm susceptible to stars in the skies,
I'm incurably romantic,
If they're told to me all covered with sighs,
The wildest of lies seems true."

I watched as he leaned forward in his chair, his elbow against the table and the hand from that arm held his face. He looked like he was in a live induced daze, and I smiled as I transferred our breakfast items to the table.

"Each time a lovebird sings,
I have no defenses,
My heart is off on wings
Along with my senses.
I'm a set-up for the moon when it's bright,
I'm incurably romantic."

His shoulders relaxed completely, his breathing was deep but quiet. Simply enjoying his little show.

"And I shouldn't be allowed out at night,
With anyone quite like you."

I placed the last plate on the table and sat in his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck while I finished the last verse. His arms found my waist and he held me close to his body. Staring me down with those crimson eyes of his.

"But, oh! Your arms are nice,
And it would be awfully nice
If you turned out to be starry-eyed like me,
And incurably romantic too."

I finished off, connecting our lips in a very sweet kiss that we both enjoyed. "My dear, have I ever told you that your voice is like a drug to me?" He gave me a goofy smile and I pecked his cheek, leaving a small lipstick mark that I didn't plan on telling him about.

"Hmm, I don't think so," I returned his smile and lifted myself from his lap. Taking my own seat, we soaked in the last hour of our conversation before he had to part for the hotel. When the time came, he gave each other a hug and a kiss on the lips, I smiled at the lipstick on his cheek that was still there from before. We exchanged our goodbyes and I watched him slip into the shadows. The second he was completely gone, I left to clean up the kitchen and made a plan for my day alone.

I came to the conclusion of who I could talk to about my predicament. I had met her not long before I died. She was extremely loud and was never afraid to voice her opinions so she would be the perfect person to call. I hadn't talked to her in a bit either so it would be nice to catch up with an old friend. I finished washing the dishes and dried off my hands, pulling my phone from off of the counter and going straight for my contacts. I pressed hers and hit the call button. It only rang a couple of times before she answered. "Y/N? Shit, it's been a while! How ya been!"

I smiled at her loud voice and her accent, "could be better. It's actually why I called, I need a bit of advice and you're usually my best gal to go to. Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah! I'm pretty much free all day! Tell me what's up!"

"Thanks Cherri, so it all started a few years ago."

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