Chapter 13

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Alastor POV

In my the near century I've been in hell, I don't recall ever being more nervous than I was at this very moment. I approached room 428, posture perfect and wiping the sweat from my forehead. Y/N was currently out with Angel having a "girls day" and would likely be back soon. If there was ever a time to do it, then it would be now. I took a deep breath and slipping through the shadows and into her bedroom.

Though it was rather ungentlemanly of me to invade her privacy, it had to be done. I placed the red box with black ribbon on her bed, put the bouquet of f/f on top, and set the red envelope with her name on it in front. I smiled down at the small arrangement, hoping she would like everything. "Thanks for the girls day Angie! I had a lot of fun!" I heard her voice from the other side of the door and watched as the doorknob began to twist. Everything in my mind and body was yelling at me to get out. But I stood there like a deer in headlights.



The day spent with Angel was very much needed. Just a day out having fun, gossiping, and spending money. What else could a girl ask for? I turned my doorknob after thanking him for a fun day out and pushed the door open with my foot so I could carry all my bags. What I saw in front of me was definitely a shock.

I set my bags down and walked over to my bed to find my favorite flowers, a card, and a red box tied with a black ribbon. 'What the hell is this?' I reached out and picked up the red envelope, carefully opening it and sliding out the piece of paper inside.

Dearest Y/N,

I would like to take you out for dinner, if you would let me. There is something I have to tell you that is very important. If you would take me up on my offer, please meet me at Brimstone's Steakhouse at 8. I hope you enjoy the gifts I got for you.

Sincerely yours,

'Alastor? What could he possibly want to talk about? Don't think too much about it Y/N.' I set the card down on my bed and removed the flowers from the box, smiling that he had remembered my favorite flower. I untied the black ribbon from the box and opened it slowly. Moving the tissue paper to the side I was met with a gorgeous f/c dress. I looked at the clock next to my bed, '7: 00, that only gives me an hour to get ready and be there.'

I practically ran into the bathroom and fixed up any imperfections that were there from today's makeup. Thankful that my hair was already done from my girl's day with Angel. I walked back into my room, slipping out of my day clothes and into the dress Alastor had bought for me. I looked at myself in the mirror, he really picked a nice dress.

It was a long, form fitting, off the shoulder dress in my favorite color. It had a long slit that stopped just a little above my mid-thigh. The back of it was open, allowing my wings to poke through with ease. I smiled widely and went to my closet, picking out a pair of heels that would matched my dress perfectly then accessorized with the my necklace from my father and a few bracelets on each wrist. I checked myself in the mirror, smiling at my appearance then looked to the clock. I would have just enough time to get there.

I grabbed a small clutch purse that went with my outfit and rushed out of the door. I was too excited about whatever this was, waiting for the elevator was not an option. So I, very quickly, flew down the stairs. Landing in the lobby I rushed over to my dad sitting on the couch. "You seem excited, and you look absolutely beautiful, my little ace. Got somewhere to be?"

He spoke with a smile, hoping that it wouldn't fade I nodded, "Mmhm! Alastor wanted to take me out to Brimstone's Steakhouse and bought me this dress for the occasion." I looked down at my outfit then back to him. To my complete shock, his smile was still there.

"Have fun sweetheart, if he hurts you just let me know. I'll take care of it." I laughed at his overprotectiveness and he stood up, giving me a hug and a kiss on the cheek before telling me to run along. I couldn't have gone out of the door faster. The second I was outside I launched off of the ground and flew to the restaurant to meet Alastor. 'Why the hell am I so excited?'

Before I knew it, I was above the restaurant and gracefully made my way down to the front door, standing outside. I didn't see Alastor around so I looked at the time on my phone. 'Deep breath Y/N, he still has ten minutes to show up.' I continued to wait outside of the steakhouse, checking my phone every two seconds just to see if the time had changed. I ignored the countless demons catcalling me as they walked or drove past. All I wanted was to see Alastor.

I felt a hand on my shoulder. Completely prepared to kick some creep in the nuts I looked over and saw Alastor looking at me with a nervous smile. I gave him a big smile in return, which seemed to calm his nerves a bit. "You look...," he cleared his throat and looked me in the eye, "you look absolutely breathtaking, Y/N."

I blushed lightly at his compliment, finding it interesting he chose to call me by my name. I looked at his outfit, he was wearing a red dress shirt, much like one he usually wore. His usual pinstripe suit was gone, replaced by a very flattering black one that made his eyes seem to glow so much more. Instead of his hair being down, he wore it back in a small ponytail. "You look very handsome yourself, Al," I returned his compliment with a smile.

He put a hand around my waist as we walked inside. The hostess looked as though she wanted to run and cower in fear. "Radio Demon, party of two," he said to the hostess. She gave him a quick nod and silently led us to a private table on the roof. He pulled out the chair for me and motioned for me to sit, which I did, and he pushed the seat into the table.

He went across from me and took his seat, looking directly at me. It was quiet for a moment before our server came over and set down a bottle of very expensive wine and filled our glasses. We both put in our orders and he scurried off soon after. "Seems your reputation grants you with some very nice perks," I joked. He gave me a small chuckle before his mood shifted. Becoming incredibly nervous again. "Is everything alright Al? You seem almost nervous about something?"

He cleared his throat and took a deep breath before he started to speak. "That would be because I am nervous, my dear."

"You? The big scary Radio Demon?"

"Yes yes, I know. It's absolutely shocking." We both exchanged a laugh, "There was something I wanted to tell you." I raised my eyebrow and tiled my head to the side a bit, earning a small chuckle from him that made my heart skip. "You see, Y/N, this isn't exactly easy for me to admit, but I'm very new to this. When I was alive I never met anyone who could make my heart beat out of my chest, nor did anyone ever make me feel like that in hell. Until..," he reached over the table and took one of my hands, rubbing his thumb along the back of it while he looked at them together. "Until I met you, Y/N." I could heart my heartbeat in my ears at his words. My face felt extremely hot. I looked up to him and noticed the deep blush on his own features.

"Y/N, I...," he took a very long pause before speaking again. "I care for you, more than anyone. Would you allow me the honor of calling you my girl?"

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