Chapter 20

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Alastor POV

That snake demon that hard ruined my darling's dress had been at the hotel for a week now. I hadn't a clue of who he was before, he wasn't someone I found important to remember. But the second his slimy little tail touched her, I definitely would remember him forever. Every time I saw him even remotely close to her, my blood would boil and my gaze would go ice cold. But now that he was a patron at the hotel, I was unable to harm him. As much as I wanted to, I was a man of my word and hurting him would go against the promise I made to Charlie.

Though my relationship with Y/N was just as lovely as ever. We hadn't stayed the night together since that memorable night, my bed never felt the same after she had laid in it. It was cold without her there. But perhaps after our date tonight we could spend the night together. Whether we would have another night filled with love and passion or it would only be us falling asleep in each other's arms. It didn't matter to me. As long as I could hold her, as long as she was with me.

Her father however, was also becoming an issue. Even though he had approved of our relationship, he was always forcing himself between us when we would hold each other, interrupt us as we went to have the other a kiss, or butt into our private moments. I would be sure to talk with him before he ruined any more moments with my beloved. I glanced over at the clock, it was almost time for my date with Y/N, where we would finally be alone. I had a smile on my face the whole day, nothing had been able to dwindle my excitement in the slightest. Not even the little comments Angel Dust would make.

The second the clock chimed for 7:00, I slunk into the shadows. Knocking on the door, it was quickly answered. My heart skipped and fluttered in my chest, I was sure it could burst from my chest at any moment. Standing there in front of me was my beautiful girl. Red looked so beautiful on her, and the style of the fitted dress accentuated her goddess-like curves. Her beautiful smile was plastered on her face, making her nose scrunch in the cutest way. "You look as beautiful as a rose, mon cœr."

She tried to hide the blush on her face at my compliment. It was adorable how she got so flustered from them even after receiving them daily. "You look quite handsome yourself my darling deer." She chuckled at her little pun, making me do so as well. Her laugh was always contagious, no matter how it sounded. It only made me fall deeper in love with her, and I was unaware it was even possible.

"Beautiful, smart, and you make puns? Darling if you weren't already mine I would stop at nothing till you were." I extended my arm for her to take, which she did so quickly. "Now, let's get to our date. I'm sure you'll like the surprise I have for you." Y/N rested her head on my arm and closed her eyes as I shifted us into the shadows. I looked down at her face as we emerged, excited to see her reaction to what I had planned for us. Leading us to a large opening in a forest, I took a deep breath. "You can open your eyes now, dear."

I don't think it was possible for her to open them quicker. I was barely able to finish my sentence before her eyes shot open, widening at the scene before her. In front of us was a large picnic blanket, a few plates of her favorite fruits and desserts surrounded a basket that had a bottle of wine and two glasses peaking out of it. A few candles were set a safe distance from the blanket, casting a beautiful glow around the area, a small radio was placed in the corner opposite of the basket playing smooth jazz quietly.

She hasn't spoken a word, beginning to worry she didn't like the date I had planned. "What do you think?" I looked down at her, unable to see her face completely making it impossible to dead her expression.

"You.. you did all of this? For me?" Her eyes looked up and locked onto mine. Small tears formed in her eyes, threatening to fall. "It's beautiful Al," she sniffled her tears back, "thank you." Her arms wrapped around my waist, her embrace was tight, but loving.

I smiled softly down at her, "for you, my rose, I would do anything. Even if it meant doing the most embarrassing thing you could think of," I cupped her cheek and gazed into her eyes. "As long as I get to call you mine and look at that beautiful smile of yours, it would be worth every bit of embarrassment."

I meant every word I spoke to her, and only I hoped she understood just what I would be willing to do for her. She was currently lying with her head in my lap as she gazed at the dark red sky. The reflection of the stars in her e/c eyes held my attention. I could still barely believe this woman was someone I could call mine. I had known her for years without feeling any of what I had now. And now that I had her, now that I felt this way about someone. I could never imagine a life like the one I had been living before. It felt good to be feared, sure. And I still loved that feeling. But the feeling of being loved, specifically by her, was a feeling unlike any other. I could spend all of my afterlife with Y/N and be the happiest demon in all of hell. But I knew I would have to wait to make such a big jump, it was still too early for something like that. It might be hard to be so patient, but we had all of our afterlives to spend together.

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