Chapter 26

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⚠️Warning, heavy smut is at the end of this chapter, there is a warning when it starts if you would like to skip!⚠️

Alastor POV

I will admit I was embarrassed I had been caught trying to snoop. But instead of getting up and trying again, I went back to the couch and sulked there until my surprise was ready. I've never had the patience when it came to surprises. Even as a boy, I would always get too excited and having to wait just caused me to complain. Though I found it funny I didn't have the patience to wait for little things like that, but had all the patience in the world to stalk and hunt my victims. It's funny how the brain works.

I sat with my arms crossed over my chest and my body scrunched up on the couch. A familiar position I once went to when my mother would be preparing a surprise for me and I got caught trying to peak. Though I believe Y/N found amusement in my boyish actions as I heard her chuckle to herself in the kitchen after I had ran away.

A divine smell wafted through the cabin. It was something that smelled incredibly familiar, it made my mouth begin to water as I tried to place a name on the smell. I heard Y/N begin to set the table, making my excitement grow in anticipation. Knowing it wouldn't be long until she called me into the dining room for my surprise. Though she did say surprises, plural. What else did she have for me? Oh gracious I couldn't wait.

My head spun in the direction of the kitchen when I heard a timer go off. I found myself bouncing in my seat from excitement. My sulking quickly being pushed to the side. Y/N's figure came into view, an excited smile on her face. She giggled when she saw just how excited I was for my surprise. "Dinner's ready! You can go sit at the table now and I'll bring in your surprise! Just close your eyes when you sit down."

I couldn't have leapt from the couch faster. The second her sentence finished I was off and in the dining room. Quickly pulling myself into my seat, I placed my napkin on my lap and began to wait with my eyes closed as I was told. I heard a dish be placed in front of me, waiting in anticipation for the okay to open my eyes. I heard Y/N laugh again, I must've been fidgeting from all the built up excitement. "Open!"

My eyes shot open and looked at the meal before me. The second I saw it, I knew what I had remembered. It was a recipe from my mother's cook book. looked up at Y/N, her smile never falling as she waited for me to speak, watching my every reaction. Tears pricked my eyes and I rushed out of my chair, quickly pulling her body into a hug. She seemed a bit shocked, but returned the gesture. Through small sobs, she rubbed my back. "Thank you, Y/N. Thank you, so much for this. I think it's the best surprise I've ever gotten from somebody."

"I found the book of recipes when I was making breakfast this morning. I thought it would make for a nice surprise." She pulled away from my hug, kissing my lips gently. "Now eat, before your food gets cold." I did as I was told, though the food would have been enjoyed if it was cold as well. She had done an excellent job, it tasted just like mother's.

We enjoyed a quiet meal together. We could have talked, had a record on, anything to make noise. But tonight, we dined and enjoyed each other's company in the quiet. It didn't bother either of us that it was silent. If this was the surprise she started with, I was intrigued to know what else she had planned for this evening.

I took to cleaning up dinner while Y/N went to the bedroom. I hadn't thought much of it, seeing as we had been taking turns with who cooked and cleaned. I turned the water off and dried my hands, then began walking to the bedroom so I could spend some time with my darling. I opened the door and my jaw found its way into the floor when my eyes fell on her.

                   =======smut ahead=======

She was no longer in her day clothes, instead a sheer lingerie dress sat on her body. It was tighter up top, pushing her chest up. All that was underneath was a black lace thong, the rest was free for my eyes to scan over. And boy did they ever, a daze clouded my brain the longer I stared at her. I was hypnotized by her appearance, and she seemed to take notice. I watched her move in closer, a clawed hand sliding up my chest that made my skin tingle and become sensitive. Her touch was poisonous in the best way possible.

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