Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning and took a nice warm shower. As I dried off I did my makeup and decided on what I wanted to wear. I decided on a form-fitting black dress, a pair of tights, and a cute pair of platformed boots I had gotten with Angel last night. Just so I could feel a little more comfortable, I put on an oversized f/c jacket.

I put on a necklace that dad had bought for me a while back to tie my outfit together. It was a simple silver chain with a little pendant shaped like the ace of hearts in a card deck. When I was a little girl he would always call me his ace. The ace is the most important card in the deck, and I'm the most important thing to him.

I smiled at my appearance in the mirror then left my room, making my way down to the lobby for breakfast. When I got downstairs, no one was down there yet. I found it a little odd, but decided that I would just start breakfast for everyone to be nice. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed all of the ingredients to make french toast, scrambled eggs, and sausage.

Rolling up my sleeves and putting on an apron next to the stove, I turned on a playlist on my phone and got to work. As I mixed the batter for the french toast I started singing along with the music with a smile. My tail swayed as I moved my hips about, dancing in place and just having a fun time. How could you not have fun while listening to Lady Gaga?

I soaked a few pieces of bread in the batter then placed it into the pan, while I waited I used the spatula as a microphone.

"Leather and jeans
Garage glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us, it don't have a price
Ready for those flashing lights
'Cause you know that baby, I..
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Baby, there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be
Your Papa-Paparazzi~"

I flipped the pieces of french toast and placed the spatula back to my mouth as I closed my eyes.

"Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby, you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me

I continued to hum along as I shifted the pieces of french toast onto a platter behind me. Only when I turned around my soul almost left my body. "Alastor! Oh my god..." I put the french toast on the platter before it could fall to the floor. I looked at the deer man with a blush  creeping across my face. "How long have you been there?"

His golden smile widened as he looked at me, "oh, long enough." He said waving his hand in the air. "You know my dear, you have a very beautiful voice." Something about his smile seemed almost genuine, but I was embarrassed by being caught and only met him with attitude.

"Didn't your mother ever teach you it's weird to watch people?" I huffed, turning around and putting more batter soaked bread into the pan. One of my ears shifted in directions as Alastor let out a low chuckle and approached me. I kept my focus on the pan, too embarrassed to even try to look at him.

"Oh she did, but she also taught me to never let a wonderful lady out of my grasp," with that, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him. It felt kind of nice, but I also admittedly had no idea what to do. So, I stood there, too flustered to say anything. I couldn't say how long we stood like that, but it was long enough for me to flip and have to transfer the french toast onto the platter.

When I turned around, Alastor didn't let go, he just moved with me and kept holding me while I added more into the pan. My ears flicked up when I heard footsteps coming closer to the kitchen door. Alastor must have heard it too because when the doors burst open, he was gone. "Oooo this smells great Y/N! Thank you sooo much for making breakfast!"

I blinked a few times, trying to process everything that just happened. "Uh y-yeah! Uh, no problem Charlie. It'll be done soon if you wanna wake everyone up and tell them. Charlie gave me an 'of course' before rushing off to get everybody and I was left with my thoughts again. Did I just imagine all of that happening with Alastor or did it actually happen? I shook my head and finished up breakfast then went out to set the table, where everyone was already groggily sitting down.

I placed all of the prepared food on the table and immediately everyone helped themselves. It made me smile watching as everyone's faces lit up at the taste of my food. I was about to sit down when I noticed that Angel, which was fine as I could just sit next to him. I took my seat and set my full plate down then looked up. Sitting across from me was none other than Alastor with a grin somehow wider than his usual one.

I blushed and immediately looked at my plate as I recalled what happened in the kitchen. Still not completely sure if it was my imagination or not. If it was, why was I thinking of Alastor like that? If it wasn't, then what the hell just happened?

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