Chapter 6

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"Angel? What brings you here?" I looked up at the tall pink spider.

"I saw what happened with you and your dad at dinner. Somethin' didn't sit right and I figured ya needed someone to listen to ya." He gave me a small smile, which I returned, and motioned for him to come inside. I shut the door behind him and turned to see in already in my bed and patting his lap. I chuckled to myself and climbed into my bed, putting my head down in Angel's lap. "So, tell me what goin' on pretty kitty."

I smiled at the nickname I was given and took a deep breath. "Well, it all started around 5 years ago..." And before I knew it someone I had known for less than a day knew everything about the deal with dad and Alastor, my dad's drinking problem, how we weren't close anymore. This guy was practically a stranger to me, yet I laid there in his lap and cried as I told him everything. He never interrupted, just listened and pet my head to comfort me as I cried in his lap.

"Y'know what I think Y/N?" I looked up at him, tears still rolling down my cheeks signaling him to continue. "I think that ya dad's got a lot on his mind and he doesn't wanna show you that he can be weak. I know how it feels, watchin' someone you care for drift away from ya," he looked down at me a wiped the tears from my face with his second pair of hands, "I can try and help ya, but just try and hope that he'll eventually come around."

I gave him a small nod and we exchanged smiles. It was comforting to have gotten all of it out. "This is gonna sound really dumb but uh... would you want to be friends Angel?"

"Uh, Duh! You and me are gonna be best friends pretty kitty. Why don't we go do some retail therapy huh? My treat!" He hopped off of my bed and intertwined both pairs of his hands, making his eyes all big. "Please~!"

I laughed at his begging and got up from the bed. "Alright but I need to fix this hot mess," I motioned to my face. "Some people can pull off the look of running mascara, and I am not one of those people."

"Nah babe I think ya look hot! If I was straight I'd definitely tap that." He winked and swung his hips around, we exchanged laughs as I walked to the bathroom and fixed my makeup. Soon enough, we were walking through the lobby, passing the bar.

"Where are you two going?" I looked over at my dad, who seemed to be sober at the time.

"Angel is gonna take me out shopping, we're gonna have some girl talk and then we'll be back in around..," I looked at Angel then back to my dad, "two hours?"

He narrowed his eyes then nodded. "Fine, go have fun. If you two aren't back in two hours I'm gonna go out looking for you. And you," he pointed to Angel, "if she gets hurt on your watch, I'll wring your neck out."

"Ooh~ kinky~." I laughed at Angel's reaction and my dad's face before I took his hand and started running off.

"Bye dad! Love you!" I said before the door slammed shut. "So where to first?"


Angel and I walked through the hotel doors laughing and joking with each other. It's amazing how close two people can get in one night, let alone a few hours. Our arms were full of heavy bags, all of which contained dresses, skirts, shirts, shoes, accessories, and more. "Enjoy your shopping spree?" My eyes widened and looked over to the couch.

There was my dad, reading a book. No booze or any kind of alcohol in hand. And seemingly completely sober. "Uh... yeah. Yeah we did." I put my bags down on the floor and walked over to him. "So... what are you doing, papa?" He looked up from his book and gave me a small smile.

"Just a little bit of reading. Forgot how nice it could be." He looked back at his book and I smiled down at him. My tail flicked side to side happily as I walked back over to Angel and picked up my bags. We walked to the elevator together, continuing our stupid conversation from earlier that night. Debating on whether or not a hotdog was a sandwich or if soup was cereal.

We both retreated to our rooms for the night after we exchanged numbers. I put all of my bags down into my closet, deciding I would deal with them in the morning. I took some pajamas out of one of the bags and changed into them then removed my makeup. I curled up into the silky red covers of my bed and closed my eyes. Slowly falling into a deep sleep.

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