chapter thirteen; a gun shot

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Quar and Danny departed ways after a bit of talking. Quad noticed Stella from far away. Quad began to walk towards her.

Once he got close enough he tapped Stella's shoulder and she turned around. "Hm? Hey Quad..." *she backed away slowly. Quad sighed, knowing that she knows what happened. "Look I'm trying to calm myself down. I'm really sorry for all of that..." Stella looked away but then nodded "I suppose I can forgive you.." Quad then smiled "Thank you."

Stella grabbed his shoulder tight "but if you ever try and hurt me I will not resist to hurt you even more." Quad get scared "p-promise I won't..." Stella nodded and released her grasp on his shoulder.

"I was talking to Danny a few minutes ago.. do you want to come and talk with him?" Quad wondered. Stella shrugged "Sure, why not? I got nothing to do." Quad nodded and led her to Danny.

Quad stopped halfway there and turned around to Stella with a confused face. "You might wanna go.." Stella was very confused "Go? Why? You wanted me to come!" Quad pulled out a gun and pointed it at him, his other hard trying to pull it down "GO!" Stella got irritated and walked closer to him.

Without time to think Quad pulled the trigger at her and it went right through her forehead. She fell to the ground, groaning in pain. Quad immediately threw the gun to the ground and ran to help her. Stella pushed Quad away in anger. "I told you that I'll make you feel even worse." Stella got up and pulled out her axe. Quad tried to  explain but nothing came out of his mouth.

Quad just decided to run away and find Danny. Stella was running right behind him.

Once Quad made to to Danny he hid right behind him. Danny was confused until he saw Stella charging right towards him. Stella stopped as she saw Danny and dropped her axe.

Danny was really confused. "What happened?" Stella sighed "He shot me in the fucking forehead!" "It wasn't on purpose!" Quad shouted from behind Danny. "Oh shut up." Stella gripped her axe tighter. Danny walked closer to Stella. "Calm down! It's not his fault!" Stella was both confused and mad "What do you mean? He did it on purpose!"

Danny facepalmed "We can talk about it as we walk to the house."

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