Ch.1, part three; a father?

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As they were walking through the forest Quad kept a close grip on Terrences arm.

"I'm surprised and actually happy you decided to free me... I'd never thought..." Quad then just looked down at the grass.

Terrence stopped walking and carefully lifted Quads head up. "Hey... it's okay... you're free now. Don't look at the past.."

This caused Quad to smile slightly again. "Thanks... Da- I uhh!" Quad immediately moved backwards and hid his face. Terrence just chuckled.

"You can call me anything. Don't worry." Terrence said reassuringly. Quad then moved back and rested his head on Terrences shoulder.

Terrence patted his back and they continued their walk in the forest.

A few minutes later they stopped by a big rock wall. "Woah." Quad immediately started to climb up to the top of the cliff.

"Be careful!" Terrence shouted, being worried. "I will!" Quad then continued to climb up the rocks but he fell right after making it to the top.

Terrence immediately started to panic and grabbed him when he fell. "Jeez...." Terrence stood him up and flopped on the grass.

"Am I too heavy?" Quad chuckled. "Nope... just tired.." Terrence said in a very tired tone. Quad sat beside Terrence "Well you can rest anywhere honestly.".

Terrence chuckled and layed down and watched the clouds in the sky. Quad did the same.

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