chapter eleven; brother..?

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Quad was searching through his backpack to see if he packed any food. He noticed a figure in the distance so he immediately pulled his mallet out, dropping his bag. He realized it was Danny. He got more angry and held his mallet tighter.

Danny wasn't worried about that. He was worried about Quad. Danny, with a saddened look, slowly walked closer to Quad. Quad had enough and hit Danny hard. He flew back onto a pillar. Danny grunted in pain as he pulled his own weapon out. Quad walked closer and was about to hit him but didn't realize Danny's weapon was out so he accidentally smashed the weapon into his eye.

Danny screamed in pain and Quad was shocked. He immediately tried to pull the weapon out but it hurt Danny even more. Quad pulled as hard as he could but the handle broke off. Leaving the blade still stuck in his face.

Quad was so sad and embarrassed he started crying again. Danny was worried about him do he got up and hugged him. Quad was stunned but he didn't care because he felt comfortable.

He started to cry harder as he hugged back. He kept repeating "I'm sorry" to him. Danny just kept holding him tight. "It's alright.. I forgive you..." Danny kept hugging him until Quad calmed down, which would take awhile.

As Quad started to calm down Danny would calmly hum to him like a child. Quad would continue to hug him even after he stopped crying. He felt loved again...

Made this one a little sweet for yall :)

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