Chapter Five: Discovery

Start from the beginning

He noticed this pair of jeans had very narrow, skinny legs and from the snuggness of them, as he began to pull them on, he was afraid that they wouldn't fit. That is until he got then past his knees and he found that they slid right up quite easily thanks to the silky thigh-highs.

After a short struggle, he had them fastened and was standing there noticing just how snug they fit, especially around his thighs and crotch area. His boy jeans had always fit loose, and comfortable, so this was another new sensation to him.

He decided that although they were quite snug, they weren't too tight. He especially liked the snugness around his thighs and the massaging sensation the skinny jeans gave his legs as they moved against the hose when he walked back to the mirror.

Angelo continued this activity for the next two hours, trying on many different outfits. He experienced jean shorts, tight athletic shorts, short skirts, long skirts, fitted tops, loose flowing tops, a pair of shoes with chunky, wooden, one-inch heels, another pair with narrow two-inch heels, and every dress in the closet.

He modeled each outfit for himself in front of the mirror. He would walk back and forth across the room in a clumsy imitation of how a girl carries herself, and awkwardly trying to strike poses like a supermodel on the catwalk before carefully putting each outfit back away and moving on to the next.

The last dress he removed from the closet caused his heart to skip a beat as he held it up. He quickly but carefully put it on. Once he saw himself in the mirror, wearing this dress, a shudder of excitement came over him, exciting him so much he couldn't resist pulling down his panties once again and experiencing a pleasure even more intense than the last.

Once the weakness left his legs and he recovered from the experience, he took a deep breath and walked out of his new room. He went right over to another bedroom. One that Mary Elizabeth had converted to an office. She was going over house listings on her computer, when she was interrupted, by a soft, hesitant voice at the door. 

"Mom? You got a minute?"

"Of course, darling," she said automatically, her eyes still on her computer screen.

"I'm afraid I'm not the girl you wanted," the boy said in a weak, tentative voice.

"Why? What do you mean?" she said, looking up to find him now dressed in a lovely asymmetrical, seafoam green gown, with the same hose still on underneath and no shoes. "Oh darling, you look lovely. I see you've found the formal dress I originally bought for a special occasion with Julia. Isn't it divine?"

Angelo did a little twirl, smiling in a most pleasing manner. "It's very pretty, mom. I think I love it."

"And you look ever so sweet in it. Any boy would be pleased to have a beauty like you on his arm. Now, what were you saying about not being the girl I wanted?"

"Mom," he said, tears beginning to flow down his face, streaking the little bit of mascara he had on.

"What's the matter, sweetheart? Come hug mommy."

Angelo walked around the desk and set on her lap, his delicate body easily comforted by Mary Elizabeth as she hugged him.

"Momma, it's my voice. I still talk like a boy. And, my walk. I walk like a boy. I don't know how to sit the way proper girls sit and don't know how to act like a girl. I don't think like a girl. I'm just a boy in a dress, pretending to be a girl."

"Oh. So you wanna make sure you are doing those things the same way a girl would, right."

"Yes, momma."

"Well, I tell you what, after supper, we'll start working on some of those things. How does that sound? By the time you go to bed tonight, I want you to have the confidence that you can pass as a girl in public, because tomorrow, we're taking you to buy some shoes, girl ones that are better for everyday wear than the ones in your room. and I want you to go dressed as Angela. Okay?"

"But, they'll still think I'm a boy," he said.

"Hardly," Mary Elizabeth responded. "Right now. . . you look like a beautiful girl. The other things we'll take care of. That's if you want to."

"Oh momma, I do. I do want to." He lept off her lap and gave her a hug. "I love you so much, mommy."

"Now do me a favor and change out of that dress before you ruin it, and put on something more comfortable for supper. Choose one of your pretty skirts and a fitted button-up from the dresser."

"Yes, ma'am," he answered before skipping off to his room.

Mary Elizabeth herself changed into a pair of shorts and a tee shirt, tying her hair up in a messy bun for the chore of making dinner.

Before she started, however, she had to call her best friend.

"Sharon," she said excitedly when her friend answered. "Honey, she's such a lovely girl. I couldn't be any happier. You and Tanya want to join us tomorrow? We're going to the mall. I need to get shoes for Angela."

"Angela?" her friend asked. "You've renamed her?"

"Sharon, she loves it. She's so natural as a girl. You'll simply adore her, I know it. And I'd like her to meet your daughter. Tanya and Angela will make such good friends. I know they will. And she can introduce Angela to her other girlfriends."

"You're going to take her..." Sharon stopped. "I mean him... to the mall to shop. Will he be dressed as a girl?"

"Oh my, yes. She's truly very feminine. No one will know."

"Lizzie," Sharon said, using the name she'd used for years with her friend. "You don't think you're going too far with this?"

"No Sharon, not at all. And please call her Angela and she, not he. Remember that."

"If that's what you want I'll support you, but how does she feel about it?"

"I  think the two of us were meant to be, Sharon. She wants this as much as I do."

By the time their conversation was over, they had decided they'd meet at one p.m. at the food court for shopping the next day. But tonight, Mary Elizabeth realized she had work to do to turn this lovely boy into a confident young lady and her daughter.


My Foster Mom Wants A Daughter -  Book 1 Of A SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now