2. Slow and Steady

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Author's POV:

A guy who's lonely in his house and taking his asthma medicine. He was longing for his twin. His heart was ripped after he heard about his brother's disappearance. He's vulnerable after watching his brother was s*<=@%#*] @sshlted by an elder man, and it was spread to the social media.

He wanted to shout loudly, but he couldn't because he wanted to find his twin and to seek justice for the people who destroyed his twin, his family, and his bright career.

Then a person came in his view and he was worried about him spoiling his health but he didn't mind him and started to smoke again. Then Phee confiscate his cigarette and lighter.

Phee: Why are you doing this, New???? You are killing yourself before finding Him.

New: Everything is killing me, Phee. Who found out the proverb like "Slow and Steady wins the race"???? I just want to take a gun and shoot everyone and kill myself.

Phee: But what about him???? We don't know if he is alive or not??? And what about is he waiting for you to find him????

New: Five years gone..... but we didn't have any clue about him.

Phee: Huh..... I thought you were the one who killed Top.

New: I didn't, and I am not going to kill him like chopping his head off, sending it to the party.

Phee: My father got us into the suspect list because we were in the scene.

New: Huh......... I want my brother alive and well. He didn't deserve any of this, Phee......

Phee gets a phone call from Jin and New aka Tan, who grimaces at him because of their secret affair but not to him.
Phee was shocked that police found out who killed Top. New wasn't surprised, but he needs to be careful about what to spill and what is not to????


Anjali is in Bangkok and in her office she is inspecting the files regard the murder case at ChiangMai's isolated farm house and witness aka suspects were going to get interrogated tomorrow and she finds something suspicious about the people's background.

One of them is a corrupted politician's son. The other one is Mafia's nephew, and others have an elite background, except one's details were concealed, and no family members were alive. She was suspicious about the concealed one, and she got a phone call, which was going to change the case details and victims, including her life.

Assistant: Excuse me, ma'am, we found out the person who killed the guy at ChiangMai, and he is here and tried to dispose of his body parts.

Anjali: Now, where is he???

Assistant: He was brought into Deputy Commissioner's office ma'am.

Anjali: Okay....... After he was brought into the prison, we would start the enquiry.

Assistant: Yes, ma'am.

Anjali cuts the phone call and goes towards murder board and pins the photos of victims and suspects, and she needs to find out the criminal and his motive behind the crime. When she was in deep thought, her husband, who was in India, called her. Then she smiles and blushes, and attends her phone.

To be continued 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤.

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