It must have shocked her, because she didn't say another word the rest of the way to her house.

I don't have the kind of reputation that my grandfather had or even my father. I learned from their mistakes and I have been extremely careful with who I have dated. So much so, I have barely dated at all. Not that I haven't gone out with women, I just keep things from going too far.

Most of the time at least.

I've stayed clear of the women who wanted something from me. I spotted them from a mile away. I had several women who are cousins and were also great friends who made a point of watching out for me too. I listened and paid attention to them. Just as they had my back when I needed it.

I should have listened when they said something to me about Harlowe. I thought I could handle what was happening and ignore the warnings they gave me. When I screwed up, I stopped ignoring them and listened to them every time. I never had another problem.

Of course Harlowe wasn't really the problem, I was. The girls pointed that out to me after the fact too. And they made sure I listened to them. Max is my best friend and she is his sister. If I'm going to go for her, I have to get his blessing.

I never said another word about Harlowe to anyone. How could I? I already fucked up. The only thing I could do now was hope that one day she would forgive me. I'm hoping that day is today.

It was a nice drive up the coast. The cool breeze off the ocean blew through my window as I listened to the ocean waves crashing against the rocks below. As I slowed down to turn into the gated community, I punched in the code and slowly moved forward as the gate opened. Driving around the curve, I follow the loop to the end entrance where the last house waited with its lights on.

Harlowe has lived in the same house since she first moved out of her parents house. It was once owned by Bailey Segler before she married Dillon. Bailey had put the house up for sale when she had some problems with the team owner but Dillon bought the house back for her when it came back on the market years later. Since then, it's been passed down from one Segler to another.

Shutting the car off, I get out and follow Harlowe to the front door. "I'm fine, Easton. I'm home. You don't have to worry about me anymore. You can go home."

She's right, I could. I could go. I should go. But I'm not going anywhere yet. Not until I say what I need to say.

"I will. But I can't. Not until I say something. I need to tell you something," I frown, knowing I'm not making a lot of sense to her. "Can we just go in for a minute, please?"

Harlowe opens the door and steps aside, she lets me in and closes the door. By the look on her face, she would much rather I be on my way than continue to be in her company. Well, she's just going to have to tolerate me a little bit longer.

"You're inside. What do you want, Easton? I'm tired. I've had a long day and I've got another one tomorrow. Please just get this over with and get out," going to the wet bar, she pours herself a glass of wine and drinks.

"I'm sorry about the way I handled things before. When we were...younger. I didn't deal with it right. I know that now. I should have treated you better after, I shouldn't have..." I'm not saying any of this right and I'm only making her mad. The look on her face tells me that.

"So you regret it, is that what you're saying?" And that's got me thinking I've shoved my foot in my mouth now.

"Yes! No! Look, you were off limits to me, Max was very clear about that. I knew the rules, I helped enforce those rules and I stepped out of bounds. Way out of bounds and I screwed up," I knew I said something wrong immediately.

The Franchise Quarterback  Book One The Third Generation  Series Where stories live. Discover now