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Skylar awoke early in the morning with a yawn. She was careful to remove herself from the bed for Ginny was still sound asleep.

Taking a moment to stretch, Skylar glanced at the clock and saw that it was only about six in the morning.

Skylar stepped out of the shared room with a quiet click of the door closing. The hallway was dimly lit, but she saw light illuminating from the main room. "Mrrah.." (A/N:?) Skylar heard a familiar chirp.

Quick padding footsteps founds it's way on the hand rails of the stairs. Skylar's cat, Bao, meowed at his owner incessantly for a pet.

Skylar put a pinger up to her lips, "Shh, people are still asleep, boy." Her lips curled into a small smile complying with her furry friend's wants and scratched behind his ear gently.

Bao chirped once more and followed his beloved human down the hall in light steps that matched. Skylar leaned her ear forward against the door that separated the main room to the hallway, hoping to listen in any form of adult conversation.

To Skylar's unfortunate snooping luck she only heard the fire cracking and the sound of Kreacher's usual cleaning.

Skylar opened the door and let herself in, to her surprise and to Bao's as well, another orange mop of fur came hurling at the two. Well, more towards Skylar's cat as Bao seemed to jump in surprise at the other creature.

Skylar hurriedly whisked the plumper cat in her arms to get a better look. Green eyes belonging to a rather smooshed face, Skylar recognized him immediately. "Croookshanks!"

"What are you doing here?" Skylar asked as the long furred animal wriggled itself from her arms to continue his pursuit for Bao. "If you're here then..." Skylar looked around the main room searching for any trace of luggage or signs of the bushy haired girl herself.

Skylar heard the door to the kitchen open, but when she turned around, only Mrs. Weasley was who she found. "Good morning Mrs. Weasley, are my eyes deceiving me or was that Chrookshanks? If he's here then—"

"Oh you know how cats can sometimes look alike... Good morning to you too, Skylar dear." Molly interrupted suddenly. The old women held pots and pans on each arm, blocking the view from the kitchen door effectively.

"...So you're saying that it might be Sir Black's?" Skylar raised an intruiged brow. "It isn't entirely impossible." Molly chuckled.

The idea of The Noble House of Black owning anything be it materialistic or not, to be anything black or any other color that screamed power 
and purity. Orange really wasn't something that Skylar thought to be welcomed in such a place but these were changing times after all and Sirius Black definitely wasn't like his family.

"You're right... Perhaps this house will know the colors of the rainbow after all." The young girl chuckled looking past the mother of Weasley's.

Molly smiled and only shifted on her feet as her hands and arms still held the cookware. However, out of the corner of Skylar's eye, something interesting was faintly behind the old woman.

Skylar could see that the kitchen door lead to a different part of the house but how clear the sight of the walls were cloudy and disformed in her eyes. She squinted her eyes and followed a faint outline that made the wall behind Molly so cloudy and her suspicions were in fact correct.

"..Having Harry's invisibility cloak is quite different from using a disillusionment charm on oneself..." Skylar spoke, her body facing Molly's but green eyes clearly set on what was behind her.

"You're not entirely invisible to the naked eye... Or, you just need to work on it a little more, Granger." The corner of her mouth curving upward ever so slightly seeing Molly clearly sigh and finally step away from the doorway. "We didn't think you'd be awake so early." A familiar voice entered Skylar's ears.

Slowly did the wall and part of the doorframe transform into a solid color of a different body. Revealing bushy brown hair and brown eyes that Skylar didn't realize she missed it so. "Why do you wake up so early?" Hermione Granger stood before her with a bashfull smile.

Arms quickly trapping the girl's shoulder and nape, "Force of habit." Skylar chuckled keeping her friend close. "What are you doing here anyway? What about your family?" She added.

Hermione let herself breathe in the familiar sent for a second. This time Skylar smelled of firewood, pine and subtle hints of vanilla , different from her usual of paper, grass and cinnamon. The brunette let herself relax in the embrace, her hands finding itself on the small of Skylar's back and waist.

"I gave them their presents already, they'll be gone on a trip anyways. They're going to be fine." Hermione smiled against her shoulder before pulling away. "Ron and Ginny sent me letters that you were all here for the holidays. Of course I wouldn't miss the opportunity to be here. But it was supposed to be a surprise."

As Hermione explained, Skylar's eyes widened in realization. "I see... Well, you won't have to worry. I know how to keep my mouth shut. Unlike others." She winked.

"Oh, but I wanted for you to be part of it as well!" Hermione claimed, clearly bummed about that plan being no more. Skylar laughed, "Well, I am still thoroughly and pleasantly surprised you're here." and gave a quick kiss to her cheek.

"Do you two want an early breakfast? I can whip up eggs and pancakes in a jiffy!" Molly called out assuringly from the kitchen counter. "That would be lovely Mrs. Weasley." Skylar smiled before leading Hermione to the big sofa in the main living room.

"Do you want to rest before that? I can't imagine how early you must've woken to get here before sunrise." Skylar turned to Hermione, worry etched onto her face.

Hermione shook her head firmly, "No, no I'll be alright. Hasn't been the first time I went a day without being sleep deprived.* she said as she smiled crookedly.

"It feels weird... Being in a place like this." Hermione started, her eyes trailing along the architecture of such an old home. "Home of one the most ancient and powerful pureblooded families in Europe who held wealth, power, and blood purity above all..."

"And yet, here you sit. A smuggle born witch." Skylar finished, looking solely on the girl sat before her. Hermione began to chuckle, "Any of these people in frames would have my head for stepping a foot inside their home."

"They would have our heads as well for so much as conversing civilly with you." Skylar began to giggle quietly as well. "Oh, but I do have to warn you though. Their house elf, Kreacher, can and will say some awful things. I worry that he won't hold back his tongue once he sees you." She informed.

"He's served the Black's for decades and he makes Malfoy sound like a saint. I don't want you to fall victim to any of that." Ever since Skylar arrived and encountered Kreacher, he was nothing short of being vile and cruel to her. Saying that the Mikaelson's have lost its status and was good as gone just like the Weasley's for meddling with muggles.

Hermione hummed nodding in understanding for her friend who merely just wanted to protect her. "I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the warning."

"Girls, pancakes are ready!"

This did not need to take this long to finish.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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