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Months had long since passed and Hermione and Skylar were able to keep being friends after that day in the library. With the urging from Skylar to Hermione to seek her if she were to land in any harm by Umbridge.

Winter came through and Skylar wanted nothing more than to curl herself into a warm ball under her blanket, or in the warm atmosphere of the library reading her books. Instead, she was walking through the snow after much convincing from the Ravenclaw, Luna Lovegood.

"You know Luna. I still don't understand why you're dragging me out here. You're my best friend and all but..." Skylar said, walking next to the said girl. "You'll thank me by the end of this Skylar." Luna simply said making Skylar grumble under her breath as they walked towards Hogsmeade.

Sure enough the two reached what looked like an abandoned pub. Once inside and away from the cold, they immediately noticed the number of people— fellow students present. Skylar's eyes scanning the room and quickly finding the Golden Trio at the center, her eyes brightening slightly at the sight of a particular witch.

They were forming an organization away from Umbridge's and others eyes that were to further their knowledge finally on defensive magic by no other than the boy who encountered it the most, Harry Potter.

"You do know that this piece of paper alone can make it look like a rebellion against Umbridge and the Ministry if word ever gets out?" Skylar stated, being the last to sign her name. "If that's what it'll look like to them then fine. They can look at it however they please." Ron defended without a second thought.

"I guess you're right." Skylar shrugged, after signing her name she wanted nothing more than to retreat back to the castle and into her warm bed. But a hand stopped her just as she reached outside the pub. "Skylar wait." Hermione's voice called while catching the girl's wrist.

"We haven't really got a place to even start this and I was wondering if you were free to join us? In finding a place where Harry can teach us, away from everyone else..." Hermione proposed still having a hold of the girl's wrist.

"I'm certain I only know the caste as much as you do Hermione. I'm not sure if it'll be of any help to you and the others."
"Please just... Then be our eyes inside Slytherin then.."
"What?" Skylar questioned as Hermione pulled them both back inside.

"Tell me—us everything that circulates inside your house, people love you and they'll be less inclined to lie to you. If Draco ever finds out, we'll be good a gone. I trust you Skylar, Harry and Ron do too." The hand on Skylar's wrist was placed on her shoulder, Hermione giving it a gentle squeeze as she looked at the girl deeply.

"If you weren't so bloody brilliant Hermione, I would have hexed you where you stand. Nonetheless, fine... I'll be your eyes." Skylar sighed with an amused smile and the Gryffindor beamed at the girl.

Over the next few days Skylar did do what was asked of her. Lingering close enough to Draco's circle to hear any plots that were to her ears could risk the discovery of Harry's alliance. Even keeping a close eye on Umbridge and was the first to notify the Gryffindors of her new rule stating that all student organizations were to be prohibited closely after Dumbledore's Army was formed.

Skylar met up with the group at a familiar hallway as they a room. "You did it Neville. You found the Room of Requirement." She applauded giving the boy an encouraging nudge. "The what?" Harry and Ron simultaneously asked.

"It's also known as the 'Come and Go Room'. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has a real need of it. And is always equipped with the seekers needs." Hermione explained.

"Precisely so. It frequently gives me a a similar environment to the library or the common room when either are too rowdy for my liking to read or sleep." Skylar added, remembering the often times she would spend her days in a cozy room made by the RoR. Hermione glanced at the girl, seeing Skylar's small smile also made her smile herself.

"Brilliant. It's like the school wants us to fight back."  Harry's eyes sparkled, filled with even more determination and eagerness to share his defensive knowledge.

The next day everyone was quickly gathered into the room and Harry taught his first spell. With everyone filed into a line before a wooden dummy that had a wooden stick to mimick a wand. Neville was unsuccessful in disarming the dummy with the disarming spell and instead had his own wand to fly out of his hand.

All looked at him pitifully as Neville muttered self sabotaging words to himself before Harry patted a comforting hand on his shoulder. "You're just flourishing you wand too much. Try it like this. Expelliarmus!" With a solid movement from Harry's wrist, the dummy's wand flying from its grasp.

Then all the students each did it on a dummy, some after familiarizing with the spell, have tried it on one another. There were some unfortunate one's who where almost blasted across the room.

"Why practice on a dummy when there's a powerful witch right here. Then we'll be seeing how she'll deflect it on her own!" Ron proposed pointing over to Skylar who had an amused face.

"Just because I come from my family doesn't make me a powerful witch on the spot. I don't even have an ounce of experience like Harry does." Skylar rolled her eyes knowingly, tucking her wand away as she faced the red headed boy.

"But since you're so eager to know Ronald..." With a simple wave of Skylar's hand — Ron's wand went flying out of his grasp emanating simultaneous gasps from everyone — "Pick up your wand and try me." She challenged with a smirk.

Ron's wand floated back into his hand as the smirk on Skylar's face was now a smile. "All fun and games that was of course. Now, get back to wand waving. That goes for everyone." Her voice sounded stern and everyone did scramble right back to their dummies.

Harry stood beside Skylar with an awestruck look on his face. "That was brilliant! How did you learn that?" He asked eagerly. "Much pestering from my Father to learn wand less magic during school breaks." Skylar answered rather bothered by the reminder.

"Ever witch and wizard have done it at some point in their lives. You certainly have. It just takes a lot more...thought and concentration to use it whenever we need." She added, putting Harry in a deep train of thought. "Would you be interested if...  You were to teach along side me?"

Harry nervously asked, fiddling his wand. "Well you said it yourself, I have the experience and you most definitely know the knowledge and more spells that can help me— all of us —against him."

Skylar blinked at the boy, letting a moment pass by.  "It's good to know that there are brains in there." Her words playfully teased making Harry chuckle alongside her. "That could certainly work... Why not? Let's give it a go!"

Hermione stood with Luna as they paired together on a dummy, though the bright witch's eyes would never fail to gaze towards Harry and Skylar, hearing their boisterous voices sparking curiosity in her veins.

"Teaching does quite suit Skylar..." Luna's voice spoke making Hermione's head whip at her direction. "I've seen her teach the younger years from time to time... She doesn't admit it but she really enjoys it." Luna added.

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