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"What? For what? Why is she coming to Hogwarts Minny?" Skylar's face furrowed in confusion as she looked at the elf. "Master Nerissa has urgent matters to discuss to with the young Master Skylar as well as Dumbledore." Minny answered. Bao had even recognized the elf and started to meow at Minny for pets which she happily obliged.

Skylar knew there was no point in asking what kind of matters this would be as her parents did frequent around Hogwarts to have a chat with Dumbledore as they were one of the Governors of Hogwarts as well as its tops donors. "Well okay then... I'll be sure to find her then. Thank you for telling me Minny. You can go back home now."

"Always a pleasure to be serving under the Mikaelson's." Minny smiled giving a last pat on Bao's head before disaparating into thin air. Skylar sat in her bed for a moment as she absentmindedly ran a hand through the cat's soft fur. She would have to tell Harry and the others about this and possibly even have to miss out an tomorrow's session.

The next day, Skylar hadn't had the time to tell them about her mother's visit as she had a busy morning with almost back to back quizzes making her be stuck in the library for a quick study in between classes. And so now that lunch was ending, Skylar is rushing through the sea if students to find the Golden Trio.

"Harry! Ron! Hermione!" She called out once she saw the familiar hair colors of the three together. "I might not be able to make it for today.." Skylar announced, reaching the three and leading them behind a pillar. All three Gryffindor's looked at her with appalling faces. "What? Why?" They asked as one.

"Apparently my mother is coming to Hogwarts today and that wouldn't be a problem normally, but this time she needs to talk to me and Dumbledore about something." Skylar said while shifting on her other foot nervously. "You and Dumbledore at the same time?" "When is she arriving?" "Is it important?" They all asked in unison making it hard for Skylar to understand as their voices blended together.

"No she's talking to us separately, thankfully. And I don't really know if it is important or when, because our house elf Minny just sort of appeared next to my bed and only said that she'll be coming today and she needs to talk to me.." Trying her best to summarize their questions in one answer.

"I'm really sorry for this. I promise I will be there tomorrow and I will tell you all about it!" Skylar added rushingly as the bell started to ring for another class to finish. The three nodded trusting the girl, parting ways as they had different classes than Skylar.

While they were walking down the corridor out to the greenery for Herbology, Hermione couldn't help but ask. "Ron do you know why Skylar's mother is coming?" She asked also catching Harry's piquing interest. "I've heard through Ginny that her parents visit often because they're one of Hogwarts top donors and they both are governors for the school as well."

"They probably talk about all that stuff with Dumbledore in his office, that's why. But it is the first time, I think, that they're asking for Skylar." Ron explained to which got Hermione thinking. She would definitely have to ask Skylar for more information if she finds her in the library today before the day ends.

Skylar was now walking the corridors after another one of Umbridge's boring and gruesome classes to which she describes it as 'top quality education for young witches and wizards'. Defense Against the Dark Arts has truly lost its spark, Skylar thinks.

While turning a corner Skylar sees the familiar silhouette of her dear mother. Taking quicker steps this and going in for an embrace as her mother already had arms open for her. "Oh my sweet girl." Nerissa cooed, holding Skylar tight against her own. "I assume you're done for the day, yes?" She asked and Skylar nodded against her shoulder.

"I missed you... I didn't get a chance to say that to Minny last night though." Skylar mumbled. Once in the arms of her mother, everything felt safe and warm. As if the bad days with Umbridge and the Ministry in their school never happened. "You father and I missed you too, especially the elves. They don't miss a chance to mention you and your return." Nerissa chuckled against Skylar blonde hair, planting a motherly kiss on her head.

After a few more moments Skylar allowed herself to pull away from her mother's embrace. "Walk with me while we talk? Dolores won't be a bother, I made sure of it." Nerissa winked cryptically making Skylar smile and nod her head.

Taking a stroll along the castle grounds, the pair off mother and daughter walked comfortably. "What did you talk about with Dumbledore?" Skylar asked curiously. "Oh just the same old business around the school. I did however, mention a number of our own complaints, your father and I, about Umbridge and the Ministry's interference with Hogwarts as you stated in your letters."

"Your father had never liked Dolores ever since she became Undersecretary to the Minister. And now with what we've read in your letters and from other families complaints. You father had the clever idea of trying to steal the position of Professor from Umbridge as he almost nagged Fudge's ear off. Fortunately, I was there to prevent him from actually go through with it."

"It was a good thing you were there. I love him but he isn't exactly the teaching type. I have a hard time enough with him trying to train me." Skylar said lightly making Nerissa laugh out heartily. "That's exactly what I told him! I think he will stop his sulking now that his daughter has agreed that he's not that much of a teacher."

"How have you been dealing with all of this? One could only imagine what her lessons must be like."
"Well..." Skylar hesitated unsure if she should unfold every bit of news and events that have been unfolding in Hogwarts. "Only if you promise that you and father won't interfere and you won't tell Dumbledore."

Skylar's words made Nerissa look at her worryingly. "Only that you promise me yourself that whatever you're going to tell me won't get you hurt." Nerissa countered and Skylar nodded. Both agreeing to have each other's word to heart.

"With Umbridge's incompetence and lack of passion towards the students and D. A. D. A.. We've taken it upon ourselves to learn defensive magic, hidden away in the Room of Requirements...despite her new laws that bans any form of student organizations."

Skylar's mother looked at her for a moment with an  unreadable face, "Who... Who's teaching then? Under who's supervision?" Were her only questions. "Harry Potter...and me." Skylar answered slowly after a minute of silence. Nerissa felt her body tense and her eyes close tightly.

"The Ministry is doing nothing but leave students defenseless inside a castle that Dumbledore can't protect forever the longer they deny his return. Harry and I... We can share our knowledge together with his first hand experiences with what father taught me to everyone who wants to stand and fight because we're going to have to eventually and you know that.." Skylar approached her mother clasping their hands together tightly.

Leaning their foreheads touching, Nerissa kept a firm hand on Skylar's nape. "If that is what you really have to do." She muttered, pulling her daughter in for an embrace, "You were secretly always the stubborn one." Nerissa chuckled bitterly against Skylar's hair.

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