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There were only a number of things that Hermione considered to be an essential part of what she loved most. Harry and Ron her two greatest friends, Hogwarts and all magic alike. Especially the magical library that would fill her heart and mind with every little question and curiosities that itched at her mind so wonderfully.

Well, Hermione would appreciate most that she can indulge in her own world in peace. Not in the loud presence of a rowdy group. "If you don't quiet down, I won't hesitate to tell Madame Pince." The witch closed her book harshly with a glare towards the group of Slytherins.

"Really sorry about that Granger." A different Slytherin girl spoke, emerging from a different aisle who looked at Hermione with an apologetic smile. "These dimwits just don't have a sense of public awareness." The girl said giving each of the girls and boys a smack to the back of their heads with a book in her hands.

Hermione turned to get a proper look at the girl. She had short blonde hair and these bright green eyes. "People can't concentrate when there are others who aren't considerate about the public in the library." She scowled making a quick glaring glance at the group.

The bright witch sighed before turning to the girl, "Thank you." Hermione's expression softened slightly knowing that the girl clearly didn't take part in it seeing by how the disappointing looks she gave her friends. The students groaned at the exchange and some were even narrowing their eyes at the girl.

However, the girl merely cocked an eyebrow at them. "Don't give me that look. Either you shut it, or I'll sew your mouths shut physically." The girl threatened. Finally the group of students decided to just get up and leave muttering about how she was such a party pooper.

"You would think being in 5th year grants you with a half a brain, but apparently that's just not the case for them. Terribly sorry about that again." The girl turned to Hermione with another sorry smile. "Oh! I'm Skylar. Skylar Mikaelson by the way... I probably should have said that before all of this." The Slytherin introduced with a bashful smile.

Hermione had to admit that if it weren't for their different houses, she wouldn't have had second thoughts to be friendly with Skylar.  And she has seen this witch before too, always in one particular area of the library. Almost every other day in her five years in Hogwarts, she seemed to always find Skylar in the library, though the Slytherin girl never seemed to notice.

She was aware of what word spread around Hogwarts though, how Skylar was also like her; a natural born genius. Often hearing about how Skylar almost always beat the Malfoy boy in their own house rivalry which Hermione find to be quite odd since she's never seen the girl among Draco's circle before.

"Pleasure, I'm Hermione Granger. Though I suppose you already knew who I am." Hermione was tempted to reach out to shake her hands. "Only a fool wouldn't know who you are." Skylar smiled chuckling. Unbeknownst to her, Hermione found it charming.

"I really shouldn't take up more of your time. You seem to be quite the busy person right now." Skylar said glancing from Hermione to the stack of books on the table.just behind her. "No one's going to enjoy D.A.D.A this year. I don't already and its only the start of term." The girl added with a slight grimace.

"I agree. With the Ministry hag here, it'll be.almost impossible to have great material to study for our O.W.Ls." Hermione hummed in agreement before looking back to Skylar.

"If we bother Dumbledore enough about it, maybe he'll let us redo it once he sees how much of a nutjob Umbridge actually is." Skylar shrugged with a lighter teasing smile. The castle bells ringing for another.class yet to start, putting their conversation to a halt.

"Didn't get to actually study much, but it was nice talking to you Hermione." Skylar said, starting to gather her things. Hermione chuckled agreeing with the girl, an itch in her mind that wanted to ask  something appeard.

"Whats your next class?" Hermione suddenly asked, watching the girl. "Uhh.. Divinations. Why do you ask?" Skylar answered. "Oh! Well... I'll see you around then?" Hermione said giving the girl a smaller smile.

Skylar only gave a smile and a nod in return before making her way out of the library. Hermione remained standing for a moment before she realized she too had a class to attend to. Wouldn't want this to be the first time she missed a class. Unfortunately, she had potions with snape like the usual. It wasn't like she particularly liked Divinations either, with all its prophetic beliefs that she herself couldn't bring to understand fully.

Later in the Great Hall where everyone sat for dinner, Hermione couldn't help but take quick glances at the table all the way across from theirs. "Oi what are you staring at the Slytherin table for?" Ron's voice spoke, startling the witch.

"Nothing! I just..." Hermione started, getting defensive, but felt a pull to look back where she was previously staring. "Do you know Skylar? Skylar Mikaelson?" Giving in to her curiosity. Ron and Harry following to where Hermione's eyes landed.

Skylar was surrounded on each side with her friends at the table occasionally laughing and talking with them, but her main focus on the food and book Hermione saw next to her plate.

"You don't?" Ron mocked but continued anyway, "Her family is practically Wizarding royalty! Along with Draco and the Malfoy's of course, but they don't get along at all."

Hermione frowned and Harry only made a confused grunt with a turkey leg in his mouth. "She's made it clear that she doesn't stand with what Malfoy and the others think about blood purity and all that. Especially since her family have worked with muggles for generations. She's a bloody powerful witch too. I heard that her family are great with wand less and wordless magic too.."

"Why are you asking anyways Hermione?" Harry asked this time. "Well earlier in the library while I was studying, there were these group of Slytherins that were distractingly loud, and she just swept in and stopped them..." Hermione explained simply with a gesture of her hand.

"She's amazing isn't she? That's what differentiates her from Draco and that's why people love her so much." Ron said with a wide toothy smile to which Hermione scoffed lightly before giving in to the urges once more and looking over to the Slytherin table.

There must have been another person that said something funny that Hermione saw Skylar with a tear-filled laughing face and pink dusting her cheeks. "I guess so...? Well she has a better personality than most, and perhaps she even has a charm that comes with it." The bright witch shrugged, however, her gaze lingered ever so faintly which was a bit odd even for herself.

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