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"Today Skye and I will be teaching you all two offensive spells that are a great addition to your arsenal." Harry spoke first before all of the D. A with Skylar along side her.

It had been a little over five days since everyone learned Expelliarmus and the two thought it was best to move on to the next important spells. " Stupefy and Impedimenta. Now, can anyone here site the what these spells do?" Skylar spoke next and Hermione's hand shot up before she could even end her question.

"Stupefy. The stupefying charm or stunner, is a charm that stuns the target rendering them unconscious. While Impedimenta, is a jinx that temporarily immobilizes or slows a target. It can be used to stop an enemy from escaping or slow down a chasing enemy."

Hermione answered confidently. "Thank you for that Hermione. If only I were an actual teacher then Gryffindor would have just been awarded five points for that great answer." Everyone in the room chuckled at Skylar's words while Hermione's eyes lingered on the girls smile, feeling prouder than usual.

"As what Hermione said, Stupefy hits a target marking them unconscious while Impedimenta slows or stops a running target. Now, why don't we have a volunteer anyone? No? Alright then... Nigel! Why don't you come here for a moment."

Skylar gently beckoned the young boy over with a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry Nigel I've got your back. Potter you know what we talked about..." She smirked at Harry nudging her head over at the opposite side of the room.

"I'm starting to have second choices about right about now. Are you certain you know how to reverse the spells? ..." Harry said standing a distance from Nigel and Skylar as the rest parted making way for them. "Don't doubt me now, you'll be fine!" Skylar rolled her eyes before standing behind the young Nigel.

"It's a simple spell Nigel, just think clear of the incantation and concentrate that spell towards Harry. You can do it!" Skylar patted him on the shoulder reassuringly while the others gave him encouraging words of their own.

Harry stood at a stance, "Stupefy!" — a red beam of magic shot out from Nigel's wand and successfully flung Harry against the wall with a thud! The boy laying unconsciously on his back — everyone in the room cheered for Nigel that Fred and George lifted the little man in their arms.

Skylar smiled heartily at his succession before making her way towards Harry's poor unconscious body. "Redi ad normalem." She chanted with her wand and Harry gasped awake, catching his shoulders as he sat upright. "All good Harry?"

"Nigel that was brilliant!" He smiled after regaining his breath and Skylar helping Harry to his feet. "Since I feel bad that you actually got knocked unconscious. I'll need two students this time."

"Neville and... Seamus!" Skylar called. "I'm not sure this is a good idea Skylar. What if something goes terribly wrong?" Neville swallowed nervously as he approached Skylar and Seamus took a stand on the opposite side.

Skylar pulled him aside by the arm gently, "I know you've been struggling with your wand as of late and it got me thinking that perhaps you need to connect with your wand from a different angle. Don't have just have the confidence in your wand but also yourself, think of the connection you bear with its true master and make it your own."

"We've all seen you improve greatly in a span of days. And it's just Seamus, we've all seen him blow himself up more often than he thinks." Skylar gave Neville a wink of confidence but her words went noticed by Seamus as he protested loudly amongst everyone.

Moving a step behind Neville with an encouraging hand on his back as the boy was too tall for Skylar to reach up to his shoulder. Harry nodded to Seamus and he charged with a shout! "*Impedimenta!*" Neville exclaimed with his wand directly pointed at the boy — Seamus suddenly stops more so freezing midstep, his eyes widening at the sudden stop in motion — and everyone erupted in cheers once more.

Harry clapped wildly with a wide smile on his face as he looked at Neville, groups of students gathered around to give him a round of applause. Skylar smiled just as wide, waving a hand in Seamus's direction and the boy felt his body be free of the jinx.

After the cheers and applaud Harry I instructed everyone to practice on with the dummies for the time being with Skylar beside him keeping a watchful eye on everyone. "Did you ever think of being a Professor?" Hermione's voice spoke as she approached the two. Harry using her presence to excuse himself to further inspect on everyone closer.

"No I don't... I don't think so." Skylar denied with a shake of her head. "I don't even know what I'm talking about half of the time..." She added, looking down at her feet. A guilty smile on her face as Hermione looked at her with doubt.

"Well I personally think you would give half of the teachers hear a run for their money. Especially Umbridge." Hermione said with a hushed tone as she leaned down closer with a playful smile. Skylar breaking into a fit of giggles. "You flatterer." Skylar rolled her eyes.

"I swear it on Merlin himself, and you would think I have some bias towards Harry but not at all... I think— I believe that you would make a fantastic teacher. And...maybe Luna also said that she's seen you teach the younger years so..."

Hermione smiled widely at Skylar's face which held a bashful smile. The urge of wanting to move a strand of blonde hair that fell onto Skylar's face as she giggled never felt more tempting than in that moment.

"Scurry off to your common room Granger."  Skylar narrowed her eyes as they heard Harry's voice say that their time was done.  Separated into groups of their houses made leaving the Room of Requirement easier as it made it easier for them to enter and exit as they pleased without the risk of being caught.

During Skylar's walk down to the dungeons, her mind kept wandering about what Hermione said. "I think— I believe that you would make a fantastic teacher." in her mind and the smile never left her face for an unknown reason.

Shaking her head from these thoughts as she entered the dungeon common room of slytherin with a quick clear say of the password. Tall walls of archways and pillars that made up the common room in tune with its cool tones of shades of green.

Paintings and statues of great witches and wizards who were proud Slytherins of their time decorated the walls and corners. Skylar gave curt smiles and greetings to the students whom acknowledged her arrival, seeing no signs of Draco or his friends as she made her way to the dormitory. The boy was probably still out terrorizing some poor student.

Putting aside her robes at the foot of her bed, Skylar loosened her tie. Their meeting for that day fortunately ended just before dinner, she just returned to the common rooms to sink in her bed with her cat, Bao.

Finding the orange ball of fluffy fur on her bed instantly drew a smile on Skylar's face. Bao, the cat,  looked up at the sound of Skylar's voice sweetly call out to him, short chirp like meows as he stretches up standing to meet his human.

Before even the cat could even place himself rightfully into the open arms of Skylar there was a sudden twist in the air right on the side of her bed and then suddenly appeared a house elf!

"Minny? What— What are you doing here?!" Skylar exclaimed as her family house elf just appareted in her dormitory. "Minny has been ordered by Master Nerrisa Mikaelson to tell her daughter Skylar Mikaelson that she will be arriving to Hogwarts tomorrow." Minny the elf sited rather cheerily.

The Mikaelson's were not strangers to having house elves in their homes for centuries. However, they were certainly not like other Pureblooded Wizarding families that treated elves like slaves. In Skylar's early childhood, she would often cry to her mother about the elves being treated that way, saying that it was unfair to treat the elves when they've been nothing but kind and obedient to them in turn.

Throughout Skylar's life she's had a rather fondness of the elves in their house and would often invite them to play or ask the elves to show her magic. One time as a fun surprise for her parents, or so a young Skylar thought, was to let an elf apparate her onto the roof of their fairly tall house. When her parents arrived back from a quick trip, they were rightfully mortified to see their child —with the watchful care of a number of elves of course— wave at them with much mirth at their return.

Young Skylar cried to her mother and father begging them to not be angry with the elves revealing that it was her persuasion towards the elves who at first declined with much refusal.  Fortunately Skylar and the elves got off with a scolding from both parents that night.

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