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The next few months pasted rather quickly without incident...everything up to this point was rather unpredictable, but it did bring this awkward love corner closer.

Either way Sonic was rushed to hospital, when his water broke...during the painful labor.

Both of his mates were welcomed inside the delivery room.

Agonizing and painful screams filled the hospital that Sonic was brought, to have his hoglet...as sweet started to cover the teen's muzzle and body, as he just felt every muscle in his body clap up from how much he was pushing. The hedgehog himself just couldn't hold back the tears.

It was a long half hour of the hedgehog pushing, just get his hoglet passed his birth canal, with one final push and scream, from the teen...the soft infant like wailing was heard.

"Great Job, Sonic"

The exhausted hedgehog, was a little drowsy from the drugs that he was on just to help his body relax his muscles, to make the labor less painful, but he only tiredly looked at Shadow, before he felt a tender a kiss on his cheek, from his demon.

Sonic's ears perked up, when heard the soft squeaking and whimpering from his newborn...that was wrapping up in a blue blanket.

"Congratulations Mr. Hedgehog, he's a healthy handsome baby boy." The nurse smiled as she passed the tearful hoglet over to his mother.

Shadow was a little confused by that statement, about the hoglet, after all he could've sworn that the hoglet was female. But getting a closer look at the infant.

The blue hoglet, with darker blue streaks through it fur that also faded to the tips of his quills, a single dark blue stripe that had four long bangs, a dark peach muzzle, underbelly and arms. His left eye was normal with a crimson iris, while the right eye's sclera was pitch black with a single emerald green iris, normal tears was in the corner of his left eye, with crimson blood like tears were in the corner of his right eye.

Shadow would ask Exetior about it this later, either way it was happy moment for Sonic, so he had to put his mate first.

Sonic who had tears of joys in his eyes, just cleared his throat. "W-Welcome to t-the world...Liam." He sniffed as he just gives his newborn some soft gentle kisses on his forehead, the hoglet only purrs at the tender kisses and warmth of his mother.

"He's perfect." Exetior said as he knelt down to get a look at his son, he runs his thumb over the hoglet's small head.

"Excuse me." The nurse said as they had the paper bracelet with, the hoglet's name on it as well as his weight and height on it.

"Liam Xavier Hedgehog"

"Don't be afraid to press that red button if you need anything...Congratulations you three." The nurse said as she took her leave.

Sonic felt himself starting to get sleepy, from his the medicine and pure exhaustion...he felt a light nuzzle on his chest, and he just watched as his hoglet started feed.

Shadow knelt down to the hospital, and just ran his thumb over the teen's cheek to wipe away his tears. "Get some rest, we can watch over Liam for you."

Sonic only leaned into Shadow's warm hand, before he immediately passed out, of exhaustion.

Shadow's attention was turned towards the demon.


"You altered the hoglet's DNA didn't you?"

Exetior only brushes Shadow off with an eye roll, "So what...it's better than having him be reminded of what Scourge had done to him. And besides with the alterations that I've done to his body...that bastard and I are different."

Shadow only shook his head, as he folded his arms...after today he didn't really want to start an argument with the Demon, since it was supposed to be a joyful one, he only pulls over the bassinet, picking up the hoglet when it was finished and laying it down so that it didn't get crushed by Sonic's weight if he shifted in his sleep.

"At least now...we can fully focus on Sonic's recovery, as well as this little guy"

Shadow only nodded as he took sat down in the chair that was in the room, he kept his eyes on both his mate and the newborn.

Exetior took a notice of the gaze, and he just pulls the bassinet over to his side of the room. "I'll look over him, he is my kid after all."

"Oh look at you finally taking responsibility for you actions." Shadow said rolling his eyes.

Exetior only glared at the darker hedgehog, before focusing his attention on his sleeping son. His ears only tilted back, he was rather unsure if Sonic could hand taking care of a half demon, kiton...but it was already to late to go back. After all Sonic wasn't alone in this.

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