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Sonic was sitting quietly in the passenger seat of the car, when Shadow had came back to the hospital to tell him the good news...he didn't really show much emotion...and it wasn't that he wasn't happy that he could keep his hoglet.

"Your quiet...over there Sonic, is something wrong?" Shadow asked.

"Just kill yourself, Freak...no one wants you here."

"I-I..." Sonic started as he just grips the seatbelt. "I-I d-don't k-know..."

Shadow only places a hand on Sonic's shoulder, and just gives it a gentle squeeze. "Sonic I want you move on from your past...that's what I'm here for, as well as what Scourge is here for, so this is chance to be open with us, whenever your ready."

Upon hearing that, Sonic's body just started shaking violently, as he really couldn't hold back his tears anymore...it didn't help that his hormones were all over the place cause of his pregnancy, but he just burst out into tears. And finally just spoke up on how how he was feeling.

Which was nothing but unhappiness, the feeling of being unwanted, and just down right being unloved...he just started to go on, on how much of a burden that he felt to the hospital staff, his Demon and Shadow. How much that he didn't really deserve all this care.

The topic about his hoglet, came up...and yes he was grateful that he didn't hid his pregnancy from his parents for so long, that he could keep it, but looking back at it now...this hoglet didn't deserve someone like him in it's life. He was just so mentally broken that he was afraid that he would end up like his parents, and just not give it the love that it needed, something that he never got from his parents, when they found out what wrong with him.

It was all heartbreaking to hear, from someone that sounded like they just given up on trying to stay alive on this planet.

After saying all those things, Sonic started to apologizing through his sobs...for just being such a disgrace to mobians everywhere.

"Sonic...I haven't and I would never given up on you, like you have on yourself, every decision that I made thus far...was just to give you that thing that you never had in your childhood and I know that demon of yours feel the same way."


"Don't worry about that, I just did my research on that mark that you have on your abdomen, but please don't ever think of yourself in such away, and mean what I say this, I care about you...and more than just a patient."

Sonic sniffs and for the first time since for ever he had a smile on his muzzle, a genuine one at that...he felt better getting all that out of his system. He nearly flinched when he felt a kick from his unborn hoglet in his womb.

"T-Thank you...Shadow, for being there for me..." he said wiping away the remaining tears from his muzzle.

"No problem, I'm always here if you need some reassurance."

Sonic only nodded.

Exetior heard the whole conversation, within the backseat of the car...at least now he didn't have to true form around, Shadow anymore...but he only growls to himself, for let this other hedgehog take over what he's been doing for his mate.

Sure his way of showing support to his mate, was more on the physical side of things, but he does try to help with emotionally, even though he was terrible.

"So, Scourge...you have something to say."

Exetior only lets out a small sigh, as he just shifted in his seat...that emerald color from the body that he was using, just darken in color, with a hint of darker blue and purple tips that were faded, everything else about the body stayed the same...besides those sapphire eyes, were now a crimson red. "It's Exetior...or X, and you better have a good reason for being so close to my Mate like this."

Sonic's ears perked up, when heard the word mate from his demon...sure the two had always shown that they loved each other, through those painful months when he was still living under his parents roof, but he also started to develop feelings for Shadow, and he knew that the older hedgehog was only doing his job in helping him on trying to move forward from his past. But he did in such of way that he kind of felt loved.

"The reason as to why you had latch onto him in the first place...look I'm not looking for trouble, but I'm also not going to ask you to leave, Sonic here needs us both...to help him move on from his past, as well as help him take care of this hoglet of his."

Exetior didn't know anything about Psychology, but he had noticed that his mate had been showing more emotions thanks to Shadow's guidance...something that he was rather disliking, but he hated to admit it but he was right. "Fine...but I don't have to like you."

Shadow only rolled his eyes, before his gaze shifted to the blue hedgehog who was deep in thought.

"Are your thoughts bothering you again?"

Sonic shook his head, as he just got himself comfortable in his seat...with his hands in his hoodie pockets just so can hold his baby bump, that was slightly visible thanks to the large baggy hoodie that he was wearing. Just hearing his demon call him his mate was enough to keep the smile on his muzzle.

He was definitely going have a better week than he did when he first arrived at that hospital.

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