To hear them scream and sing fed me love. To watch them dance and get up from their seats made me feel impactful. This was the dream I desired from the beginning. The dream I fantasized when fired Jospeh as my manager. I told myself I'd do it without him and without the help of Michael.

All of the people who pay to see me, see me for me. Not for Michael and not for the help of Joseph. I could proudly say, this is the work of Janet. That's who I do it for, the people who leave their homes to see me. This is why I made the decision not to make new music for this tour.

 This is why I made the decision not to make new music for this tour

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I wanted the real fans to fill my seats. The real fans that want to see me for who I am. Every show I watch the kids get better than the last one. Bryan, Denzel, Guero and Maniek killed that show effortlessly.

Every show we finished with Together Again. After my final goodbyes and kisses to the audience, I began walking back stage with the kids behind me. I could hear them chatting amongst themselves until...

A bursting popping sound startled me coming from my right on my way backstage. I grabbed my pounding heart as the screaming crew appeared with purple confetti falling from above my head. Everyone had smiled across their faces.

"J, you did it" Gil spoke in a cheery tone as he emerged from the crew, he was the first face to greet me. Telling by his cheesing face, he was pleased with the final show.

Everybody from the lighting and costume crew wanted to stay out and party. Unfortunately I had to break the news to them, I was extremely tired and needed to see my babies. I was going to see them again the next day, till then, Christopher and I wanted to see our babies.

I fell asleep on the car ride home and woke up in Christopher's lap. I lifted my head from him, before looking out the window to see our home. Being away from home for months and being so homesick made me want to cry tears of joy just looking at it.

"Mom" I swear I could hear them before I saw them. Eissa ran out first with Story behind him. The two of my screaming kids ran to the car door. "Dad!"

"Baby look at Eissa's hair" I gasped. Eissa's hair grew a couple inches since the last time we saw him. The length of his curly hair was at his shoulders.

The kids ran to the door and fought over who was going to open the door. Christopher and I looked at each other with the same expression. "Let me get them" Joey said.

"JOEYYY" Eissa's voice rumbled once Joey got out the car. He separated the two of them before letting us out. Once Story and I were holding each other I didn't want to let go. My daughter was growing so fast and she was so beautiful.

There's no other joy than a mother's joy, I could just cry holding her. "Baby please promise me you'll stop growing, pretty soon you'll be taller than me" I said while still holding her close.

"Ok mom, I promise" she spoke in a sarcastic tone. I laughed before kissing her forehead a thousand times. "I hope you weren't giving Betty a hard time" I spoke.

She gave me a devious smirk shifting her eyes from me. "No that was Eissa"

"No that was you" I said making her laugh.

Being home made me feel whole, I never felt that something was missing before. Just being home made me realize home was what I was missing while on tour. Just being in these protective walls we call our own space, for our family of four. Home is my cozy space, I just wanted to be a homebody for the rest of my life.

Watching the kids grow was bitter sweet, it hurt to see them grow at the same time I was proud. "What are you thinking" Christopher asked lying beside me while in bed.

I stared in the darkness ahead of the bed. "The kids are growing" I pouted before looking at his smiling face. He began to laugh. "What's so funny" I got defensive.

"I know exactly what you mean, it's butter sweet" I raised my brows laughing at him trying. "Great" he scoffed. "Why are you laughing now?"

"It's bitter sweet baby and you're so cute for trying" I said before pinching his cheek.

He shook his head from me while flaring up his nostrils. "But for real, it's scary how fast they're growing" I said in a serious tone.

"You're just getting scared, I been scared when she started dating. Janet, she's only fourteen"

"And she's not doing anything crazy at fourteen, trust me Christopher, we raised a responsible young lady"

He creased his brows. "But I don't know how those people raised Eric, baby I trust our daughter. I don't trust that—"

"Baby" I whispered. His face softened before me. "Maybe you should talk to them if you're so concerned. We have their numbers"

"I rather go on this vacation with you instead" he said looking at me with his loving smile. His staring eyes were warm and lustful.

"Me too, some real alone time with you sounds so good right now"

The two of us eventually fell sleep. Being in our home bed was a comforting feeling. My tour family partied without me that night but little did they know I had a treat for them the next day.
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did writing it. Vote and comment for more🫶🏽✨

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