Part Fourteen

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At Xiao Zhan Mansion

Wang Yibo is sad because Yefei's memories are coming in his mind. Lu En Jie is finding a way to win Wang Yibo's heart.

Xiao Zhan notice that Wang Yibo is upset. He coughs and grabs everyone's attention towards himself.

"I am happy because you have came here. Please enjoy the party.", Xiao Zhan says.

Then everyone starts observing the mansion and they enjoy the party. All sea creatures are happy because Xiao Zhan is their prince and their prince won't hurt him. Every sea creature is free to visit the land.

Song Ji Yang is sitting quietly. He doesn't talk with everyone rather than his parents. Wang Haoxuan looks at Song Ji Yang from far. He doesn't have reason to talk with him.

When Lu En Jie saw that Wang Yibo is alone then she gets a chance to meet him. Lu En Jie meets Wang Yibo.

"Hey! Do you remember me?", Lu En Jie asks Wang Yibo.

"Yes! You are Zhan's sister.", Wang Yibo says.

"Yes.", Lu En Jie says and she feels shy.

"Whatever happened in your past it's so sad. But I want to give you an advice Wang Yibo. You can move on in your life. For how long you are going to remember the past. I heard everything.", Lu En Jie says.

"It's hard to move on.", Wang Yibo says.

Lu En Jie goes more close to Wang Yibo. Wang Yibo didn't notice what Lu En Jie wants. Lu En Jie hold Wang Yibo's arm but Wang Yibo didn't get bother.

"Yibo! Can we become friends? I will like to have a friend like you.", Lu En Jie says.

Wang Yibo smiles and he nodes his head.

"Okay!", Wang Yibo says.

"What okay? Are we friends or not?",Lu En Jie asks.

"We are friends.", Wang Yibo says with a smile.

Lu En Jie mesmerized due to Wang Yibo's smile. But someone is feeling jealous and the person is Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan is observing and Wang Yibo since Lu En Jie starts talking with him. Xiao Zhan clenches his fist when he saw that Wang Yibo smiles for Lu En Jie.

Xiao Zhan immediately goes in front of Wang Yibo and Lu En Jie. He saw that Lu En Jie is holding Wang Yibo's arm. Xiao Zhan hold Wang Yibo's hand and he pull him towards himself.

"I want to talk to you Yibo.", Xiao Zhan says.

"But Zhan ge! I am talking with Yibo.", Lu En Jie says.

"It's important. Try to understand En Jie.", Xiao Zhan says.

Lu En Jie sighs and she let Wang Yibo to go with Xiao Zhan. Xiao Zhan hold Wang Yibo's hand and he walks inside his room.

Xiao Zhan takes Wang Yibo inside his room. It's first time When Wang Yibo saw Xiao Zhan's room. Xiao Zhan's room is big and it has a huge bed.

Xiao Zhan closes the door with his leg and he pins Wang Yibo on wall.

"Yibo! What En Jie told you?", Xiao Zhan asks in jealousy.

"She asked me to become his friend and I agreed. Is there any problem Ying Ying.", Wang Yibo says.

"Why did you let her to touch you?", Xiao Zhan asks.

"Her touch was friendly.", Wang Yibo says.

"Yibo. Stay away from my sister. I am warning you. I can't tolerate whenever anyone comes near to you.", Xiao Zhan says.

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